The first reported observation of the symbiotic star AS 270 in its new observing season (11.65V on Feb 11 2014) indicates that the outburst which seems to have begun in late October of last year, is persisting. The star had last been reported at 11.7V on Nov 16 2013 (HMB). Was the actual brightest phase missed during solar conjunction, who knows ? In VSX, the maximum is listed as 11.5V.
regards to all,
Steve O'Connor
As the well known symbiotic FN Sgr begins its' new observing season I can report that it is quite a bit brighter now then at the end of the last observing season, (13.1vis Oct26 2013 MTH).
The new observation has it at 11.95V (0.03) with comps 117, 128, and 135 on Feb23.780 2014.
Is this the onset of a full blown outburst ? We'll see.
kind regards,
The symbiotic recurrent nova (NR+ZAND+M) V407 Cyg is currently about 4.4 magnitudes brighter in V than it was in mid-December 2013. A major, well documented 'nova-like' outburst took place in 2010. My most recent observation has it at 11.81V (0.02) on February 25, 2014.
There's a close visual companion of magnitude 14 that can pose problems with correct identification of the symbiotic variable when the latter is faint.