Spectrograph on OC61

Variable Stars South (VSS)
Wed, 01/27/2016 - 00:05


I noticed that OC61 is supposed to have a Shelyak eshel available. Is there any documentation available on how to use it?


Bill Rea

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
OC61 spectrograph

Hi Bill,

OC61 does indeed have a Shelyak eShel spectrograph.  We haven't advertised it much because the limiting magnitude is quite bright at the current time.  Because of the long focal length of OC61, the star image profile overfills the science fiber, and we don't get much flux into the spectrograph.  A focal reducer has been ordered from Optec and when installed, we should be able to go much fainter.

Right now, I'd say the effective limiting magnitude is about 5th.  If you have objects that are this bright or brighter, and are interested in using the system, contact me and I'll get you set up.
