"Repairing" V and B Photometric Filters??

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Wed, 02/24/2021 - 19:53

I know this is a little "out there":

I have a crazed Custom Scientific V filter. A new one is on order from AstroDon.

Another project on the table is helping a friend fix his Lunt 80LT solar scope. He had left it outdoors under a tarp for a year and now it doesn't produce sharp images. He thought to send it back to Lunt to see what they can do, but Lunt told him a long pass glass filter (non-interference) can cloud up if it sees too much humidity. Sound familiar?? I was asked to replace the filter when it arrives in a few days.

I jump started the process by asking Lunt Customer Support if I can remove the filter now and test the rest of the system safely. They responded that the image would be uncomfortably bright, but they said I could just wash the clouded filter in Calcium, Lime and Rust remover used in toilet bowl cleaning. I haven't tried this yet, but it gave me an idea!

My CS V filter is toast already, so I thought I'd try it in this cleaner. I tried cleaning it and it seems to work, at least in the short run. I'd say 85% of the schmutz was removed. I think another run through the cleaner will get it all. I have no idea how long this "fix" will last, but it certainly beats throwing the filter out!

Has anyone else tried this trick?
