R CrB fading again?

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Fri, 12/13/2013 - 14:41

It appears to me that R CrB has faded from its recent level by some 3 magnitudes.


J. Roe [ROE]

Lack of interest all over.


Hi James,


Your single CCD estimate looks rather isolated on the LCG. Did you check visually? I took the last 60 days; no other contribution from yourself ! How sure are you about this, on a basis of 1 to 10?


I don't get much attention on Forum either. See “SAO 58521 Revisited”... We're fellow sufferers.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
R CrB fading


Your single CCD estimate looks rather isolated on the LCG. Did you check visually? I took the last 60 days; no other contribution from yourself ! How sure are you about this, on a basis of 1 to 10?



Don't blame me if my observation is isolated - talk to everyone who hasn't posted one lately. :)


Yes, I did check my image.  It was consistent with my previous images when R CrB was about the same brightness.  Sorry I couldn't get to it for the past 60 days.  The link I provided was for 200 days and clearly shows that I monitor it when I can (my obs are highlighted).  On a scale 1 to 10 - 9.8.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
R CrB fading again

Hi Jim,

I just wrote a review of many of the RCBs over the last year for the January newsletter, and noticed your observation, indicating that RCB has indeed faded once again, just when I thought it might recover! Now I'm begining to wonder if RCB will ever go back to being a 6th magnitude star. It hasn't been brighter than 10th magnitude since the beginning of 2007.

For me, and I'd guess a lot of observers, it is exactly the unpredictable nature of these rare stars that makes them so fun to watch in the first place.

R CrB in this millenium. Remember when this was a binocular object most of the time?

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
r crb fading

Yes, fading indeed. Observed on Friday 12/13 visually at <13.4    Larry- (slh)