Possible object in R CYG area

Association Française des Observateurs d'Étoiles Variables (AFOEV)
Fri, 07/23/2021 - 14:28


On the naight of 07/21/21 J.D: 2459417.4187,in the vicinty of the variable star R CYG I saw an object shiming whit magnitude visual 12.36 and was no included un the chart C of the aforementioned variable. Its approximate coordinates are: (2000) 19: 36 56 +50 14.

I don't know it's a star, an asteroide, etc. I comment on it because It would be interesting to confirm thi sighting an if someone is going to observe R CYG they  can look at the area in case the they see someting.

¿Maybe someone has deen someting?

Association Française des Observateurs d'Étoiles Variables (AFOEV)
checked chart

HI Juan

I checked the chart C.

All the 12 /13 magnitude stars are not drawn. I think you observed one of these missing stars. You can use an AAVSO chart or check with a DSS image.

Best regards

Association Française des Observateurs d'Étoiles Variables (AFOEV)
Indead, un the chart C you…

Indead, un the chart C you do not see stars of these magnitudes, I should have said in chart D that if you see stars of the magnitudes 12 and 13.

The fact is that I am seeing in the area of R CYG someting thas is not un the chart  thi star.

Yesterday 07/24/21 J.D: 2459420.4069 I observed the object again with visual magnitude 12.36.

Said object is near to the west of Theta Cyg, and slightly nort of R  Cyg.


Thanks and regards

Association Française des Observateurs d'Étoiles Variables (AFOEV)
Hi NDQ (only see your…

Hi NDQ (only see your acronym) thanks for following the forum thread, and sorry for the delay in responding, the link of the forum with the mail is not going and notififications do not arribe.

Yes, It may be the star you say.

Since I realiced the situation I observed It every night and I have always seen It on the that I report, only one night I could not see it, It was as if It was not there and that if I could ser weaker stars up to magnitude 13.4.

When I make more observations I will make report. Let's see what turns Outlook.

Best regards and clears skies.
