I have been trying to perform plate solving on some .cr2 files I took with my canon camera and telephoto lens as a dry run. When I submitted .cr2 file to VPHOT, it said I had to plate solve them. The only way I've been able to plate solve them was to convert them to .FIT and plate solve them at nova.astrometry.net. Unfortunately, when I did that, I lost the DATE-OPS FIT header and the time the image was taken was changed to the time the image was plate-solved, which makes sense since it's a whole new image. My question is how to plate-solve my files and submit them to VPHOT without messing up the FIT header?
Thu, 08/29/2019 - 19:53
Seems that you may need to edit your FITS files after solving. I'm doing all of those things under Linux using wcs-tools utilities. If you're a Windows user, you could have a look e.g. at:
However, I looked at nova.astrometry.net public images and it seems to me, that it definitely adds keyword DATE - and that's according to FITS standard as well. Also, I uploaded one of my images, and it added previously not present DATE keyword, leaving DATE-OBS intact. Have you confirmed that you don't have two (or even more) versions of date and time in your FITS file headers?
IMHO for VPHOT (and according to FITS standard) you would need either DATE and UT or DATE-OBS (latter preferred). DATE-OBS is usually in format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS and it has to be in UTC.
Best wishes,
Did you truly try to upload a cr2 file to VPhot? That won't work. You need to split your cr2 image into separate RGB images and save each in FITS format.
Have you read the DSLR User Guide? I would recommend that you ask for a mentor familiar with DSLR observing.
Forgive me if I am missing something obvious?
I was mistaken. The image was converted to a .FIT file first. Sorry for that obvious mistake.
Dis you use Upload Wizard or Quick Upload? if you used Quick Upload, did your fits header have all the required information?
ps - I don't do DSLR, so I am not familiar with FITS headers in DSLR images.