Telescope control software and 1.25" V filter

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thu, 07/04/2024 - 15:40

I would like to know what software people use for telescope control that is good for photometry. I have been using CCD Commander for years and it is now freeware which is a plus. However, it is somewhat dated and limited. What do you prefer?

I also have the need for a 1.25" V filter. I realize this pops up from time to time and everyone groans but thought I would try here first before buying new.. With a lot of bigger chip cameras coming out,  I expect there is at least one person out there with a 1.25" V filter gathering dust. I am still using a SBIG ST-2000XM camera and CFW-8 and have no plans to change to another camera on this OTA . 

If you have one to sell let me know.


Paul Temple



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
telescope control software

Hi Paul,

Not sure what functions you use in Sky Commander, but I've used ACP for a number of years.  It does require MaxIm and FocusMax.  When set up it results in an automated scope, slewing, centering, focusing, filter changes, guiding and meridian flips.  It's actual amazing to watch!  But none of this is free!  ACP software support is 'best in class', as they say.

Bill Goff


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Telescope control software

Just a note. Since I wrote the forum post, I found out that Matt Thomas made Ccd Commander freeware. If you go onto to the io ccdcommander group site you can download an updated version which does blind plate solves and increased options. Pretty impressive improvements.



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Telescope control software

Just a note. Since I wrote the forum post, I found out that Matt Thomas made Ccd Commander freeware. If you go onto to the io ccd commander group site you can download an updated version which does blind plate solves and increased options. Pretty impressive improvements by the community.
