SBIG ST-7XME camera + CFW-8 for sale

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Wed, 02/01/2023 - 00:21

This message is being posted with the permission of AAVSO HQ. 

I have my SBIG ST-7XME camera + CFW-8 for sale on Cloudy Nights.  I've used this camera for photometry of
variable stars for about 10 years.  I now live in an apartment and can't use the camera as much as I used to.
I've been using Internet based telescopes (AAVSOnet, COAST, etc.) instead.  This is a great starter CCD
camera.  The files are small and easy to work with.  This is a great camera for photometry as well.  I'm not
including the Schuler B,V,R,I filters that I used with it because most of them have deteriorated to the point
of being unusable. My ad contains more detailed information and photos.  If interested, look for it here:


Bob Modic (MRV)

Note: Please do not reply to me on-list.  Instead use the Cloudy Nights messenger or e-mail me directly at

robertjmodic at