Mistake in proposal

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Fri, 01/20/2023 - 10:18

With horror and shame I have found small, but important mistake in my proposal #309. I got close, but other field with interesting but other stars. I sent email to bsm_nh2@occam.aavso.org but I'm not confident that it's enough. Could you please advice how to change coordinates in accepted and allocated proposal?

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
proposal mistake

I've answered this by email, but I wanted to give a public response on the forum as well.  For normal queries about an existing proposal, go to the proposal form page and click on the "proposals" tab.  Then "view" your proposal.  There is a comments form at the bottom that you use to contact the AAVSOnet team.  This is the main method of corresponding regarding a proposal, as it archives any questions and makes comments available to the rest of the team.

Note that George has greatly expanded the proposal form page.  You can also click the "operations" tab and see what AAVSOnet telescopes acquired recent data, and drilling down deeper, you can pull up the summaries of what objects each telescope observed on a given night.  The Targets list lets you know if a target you would like to observe is currently being observed, or was observed in the past.  Often you can go ahead and request the target again, and we will place your observation on one telescope and a prior researcher on a different telescope.  There are lots of ways to configure things, so go ahead and make your proposal and we will try to accommodate you!
