I am doing long times series for an ongoing campaign. Sometimes it can be 200- 300 images for the series. Vphot is timing out on me when I try to do a long series, and all the time is wasted. Is there a way to keep this from happening?
Hi Darrell,
There are some alternatives to Vphot for the creation of AAVSO reports for WebObs. This function has been added to AstroimageJ lately. Here is a link to a recent post announcing this feature: https://www.aavso.org/astroimagej-now-supports-generation-variable-star-reports
I have also just been taught how to use MPO Canopus for AAVSO report generation. I have a checklist/procedure I can share with you.
While both of these methods might require some time learning the parent software the processing is onboard your computer and rather quick. After entering the data I have processed some of my time series comprising 500-600 images from a short cadence observation on my old Win7 laptop with MPO in under 10 minutes. I haven't tried this with AIJ yet to see which is easier and faster.
1. How large are your individual images (nn MB)?
2. How many times have you tried this?
3. There have been some memory issues in VPhot over the last several days.
4. Try to analyze a smaller number of images at once in your time series to see what happens. Try 50 (?) initially. Increase incrementally till it fails.
5. Report findings.
1. Images are less than 24 MB
2. 5 or 6 times
4. I did that last run in chunks of 70 images and it did not time out. The limit looks to be about 100 images.