AAVSO's 110th Annual Meeting: Poster Hall

Welcome to the AAVSO's Online Poster Hall!

Thanks to all poster presenters for your research and educational contributions!


Please click a blue talk title to be taken to the visual of the poster. Any accompanying audio is accessible by clicking the orange links. 


"Statistical Study of Spectroscopic Binaries (SB1) of Solar Type Stars from MARVELS"

        Gary Xu, Science Talent Training Center, Gainesville, FL, garyxu88@gmail.com


"Measurements of transiting objects and variable star periods in the age of large surveys"

       Brett Schulz, Maxibillion Thompson, Dr. Matthew Craig

       Minnesota State University Moorhead Department of Physics & Astronomy


"Unanswered or Intriguing Questions about Low-Mass Pulsating Yellow Supergiant Stars"

        [Accompanying audio]  

       John R. Percy and Sara Haroon

       Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, University of Toronto, ON Canada M5S 3H4 


"Search for the Binary Period in the Recent Nova V1369 Cen Using TESS and Small Ground Telescopes"

       [Accompanying audio]

      Gordon Myers, AAVSO; Dr. Frederick M. Walter, Stony Brook University


"Detection and study of the multiplanetary system WASP-148"

       [Accompanying audio]

       Anica Lekic, Loïc Capitaine, Chloé Gac

       Polytechnic Institute of Advanced Sciences (IPSA)

       Anica Lekic: anica.lekic@ipsa.fr (teacher)

       Loïc Capitaine: loic.capitaine@ipsa.fr (student)

       Chloé Ga: chloe.gac@ipsa.fr (student)


"To Everything, Turn, Turn, Turn – Or Not: Misclassified ASAS-SN Rotators"

       Kristine Larsen, Central Connecticut State University


"Project Panoptes: A citizen science project to discover transiting exoplanets"

       [Accompanying audio]

      Preethi Krishnamoorthy[1], Wilfred Tyler Gee[2], Josh Walawender[3], Joshua     

      Liberman[4], Jeff Bary[4], Olivier Guyon[5][1], PANOPTES team

      [1] Project PANOPTES, Subaru Telescope, Hawaii

      [2] Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia [3] W. M. Keck Observatory, Hawaii

      [4] Colgate University, New York [5] University of Arizona, Tucson


"Orbital Mechanics Design to Maximize Satellite Service Time for Earth-Based Regions of Interest"

       [Accompanying audio]

      Krithi Koodli


"Characterizing Four Subsets of Kepler O'Connell Effect Binaries"

       [Accompanying audio]

     Matthew Knote, Florida Institute of Technology, Department of Aerospace, Physics, and

                               Space Sciences, mknote2015@my.fit.edu

     Advisors:  Dr. Eric Perlman and Dr. Saida Caballero-Nieves


"Transatlantic Collaboration of Citizen Astronomers in Follow-Up Exoplanet Detection: A Joint Observation of TOI 2031.01"

       [Accompanying audio]

      Bruno Guillet1,2, Justus J. Randolph1,3, Thomas M. Esposito4,5,6

      1 American Association of Variable Star Astronomers, Cambridge, MA, USA;

      2 Caen, France;  

      3 Athens, GA, USA;  

      4 SETI Institute, Carl Sagan Center, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA;

      5 Unistellar SAS, 19 Rue Vacon, 13001 Marseille, France; 6 Astronomy Department,     

        University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA


"Comparison Stars and Photometry for TrES-3b"

       [Accompanying audio]

      Eli Gendreau-Distler


"AU Mon: Probing the complex, unstable flows of a high rate mass transfer binary system"

       [Accompanying audio]

       Antonio Armeni, University of Pisa