UCAC4-735-019611 & UCAC4 736-020428

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Fri, 06/24/2016 - 21:26

UCAC4-735-019611 & UCAC4 736-020428

This is a bit embarrassing.

Will whom ever made a sequence request for these two targets please contact me.


I saw your request while in another state yesterday and wrote the target names down, however,  when I got home today your request emails were gone.

The sequences are complete and I am hoping that you will see this.  I normally make a direct reply but no email address to do so.

Per Ardua Ad Astra,

Tim Crawford, CTX

Sequence Team

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Hello Tim,

Hello Tim,

It was me, Stephen Brincat (AAVSO Code: BSM) that sent the request. I have sent you a PM.

Regards & Thanks,
