A new observing campaign on the cataclysmic variable GW Lib has been announced in AAVSO Alert Notice 513.
Good observing,
Elizabeth Waagen, AAVSO HQ
A new observing campaign on the cataclysmic variable GW Lib has been announced in AAVSO Alert Notice 513.
Good observing,
Elizabeth Waagen, AAVSO HQ
I got GW Lib tonight (Wed) at 16.85 to 16.50 mag in V. Did BVRI, will reduced and submitted. This observation was from approxomately 1am to 2 am EST or JD 7128.70 and 7128.73.
The schedule for HST to observe GW Lib has been finalized for early next week. Please see AAVSO Special Notice #403 for details. Your observations are crucial to know for certain whether the star is in quiescence; without this knowledge the HST observations will not be able to proceed!
Good observing!
Elizabeth Waagen, AAVSO HQ
Hello Elizabeth, Paula & All
I was able to get 4-5 images of GW Lib last night (JD7132) as the clouds were rolling in. These images were much poorer than the ones from (JD7128) which were taken from my remote observatory. In fact, I had to stack the images to see the target last night. Not great photometry, but enough to rule out an outburst. Hopefully other observers will have had better weather. Prospects not good for tonight.
Hi all,
Last night has been an excellent one here. I began exposing GW Lib at 6:19 UT and secured 40 exposure before twightlight stopped me.
Sorry for some complications prevented me from sending these data sooner. I have just submitted the following to the AID, I copy these here in case someone had comments. This type of campaign is new to me and I feel some guidance might be useful.
My data agree with Gary, no outburst. I too combined images to improve SNR and used only Clear filter (CV = V)
#SOFTWARE=Magnitude Measuring Tool in AIP4Win v. 2.4.0
#Each picture is a combination of 6 or 7 images. No filter used, CV = V
GW LIB;2457132.78045;16.662;0.086;V;NO;STD;000-BBW-024;15.166;000-BBW-021;16.114;3.6015;na;14742ALW;(CV->V)
GW LIB;2457132.79774;16.688;0.088;V;NO;STD;000-BBW-024;15.229;000-BBW-021;16.168;3.8120;na;14742ALW;(CV->V)
GW LIB;2457132.81356;16.636;0.092;V;NO;STD;000-BBW-024;15.297;000-BBW-021;16.237;4.1249;na;14742ALW;(CV->V)