Hi guys, I think I may of stumbled across a supernova Located within NGC 3288, I took multiply images of it with my ST10XME over the course of the night a few days ago. Cross checked the suspected with DSS images and NGC/IC images, It was not on any of those images. I sent my info to IAU but Im guessing I screwed something up. I'm not going to be clear anytime soon here so If anybody is clear please give it a look, Its driving me nuts here.. Thanks
John A
I managed to get an image tonight, although my session was cut short as the target was nearing trees in the foreground. Unless what you saw is quite dim, my image didn't show anything. I am using an LX200GPS 208mm and limiting magnitude is ~15. I was able to obtain only 10, 30 second images before running out of time.
Jim T.
My estamate was 16.5 when I saw it 2 days ago
Ok I finaly had another chance to image this and low and behold,,Its still there, right where I left her.
Now Im 99% sure its gotta be a supernova my est is 16.7 Its been over a week. Getting kinda low,
I rechecked the galaxy against the DSS in red and blue also checked on wikisky and NGC/IC project.
There is NO star where this one is, I resent the info back to CBAT,
Hi John,
While I too don't see anything in the DSS image, if you look here: http://ned.ipac.caltech.edu/cgi-bin/imgdata?objname=NGC+3288&hconst=73…; you do see something in a similar position, particularly well in the SDSS images in all filters, assuming the orientations of both photos are the same and that the bright star right was cropped in the NED images. However there is another object to the left that does not show up in your images so not sure about the image scale and if we are really looking at the same thing.
If it doesn't cloud-up too early tonight, I'll have a look myself.
Hi Lynn,Yea I know the star your talking about, Its above the suspected supernova,
I sat there for a while making sure it wasnt that one.
Heres a pic of it cropped in to a similar field of view as the sdss all filters image
Thanks for looking
Hi John,
Yes, it does appear to be in another position, so I'll try to look tonight. My system is f/2 so that magnitude is no problem - only that I have a huge tree hiding that area til about 2:00 CET/0:00UT and while the night should begin well, clouds will at some point appear - lets hope that's after 2AM!
Hi John,
Probably the worst image I've taken in years - NGC3288 never really got out from behind the tree, so this is taken through the branches when it cleared a bit and only 10 usable minutes total. Also the quick-and-dirty stack since it is late. I may be able to get some more out of it tomorrow, but the good news is that I can see a bump in the same place you have it and it does appear to be in a different place than the known star.
I've attached an image with yours on the left and mine on the right (this is about 200%+ for me since the scope is working with a Hyperstar at the moment). Perhaps with some careful pruning I can clear a spot to image tomorrow night if you think it is worth it. Hope this helps in any case.
Thats awsome Lynn, I once again imaged it tonight also. It seams as though my report to CBAT has fallen on def ears once again (my fault of course Im doing something wrong) so Ive given up on reporting it to them, But Im so glad someone else imaged it.. Once again Thank you
John Appleyard, London RASC
Having gotten a few hours' sleep I'm still wondering about this. It was a busy night with the new nova and a couple other SN's I'm following. In searching to see if anyone else had reported this (nothing found), I came across an old image in an Iris tutorial from Christian Buil and decided to compare. See attached. At first, I thought it was the same spot his image shows, but on further inspection, this is unlikely looking at relative magnitudes, since his object is fainter than stars that do not show in my image-through-the-trees and the positions are very slightly different. Mine is definitely not brighter than 16-something in any case.
Anyway, it should be clear until 2:00 or so tonight and the second offending tree is more of an overgrown bush, so I may try to tie-in some branches to get me a clear view. Should I get a significantly improved image I will let you know, and then it might be worth one more try at reporting with both images.
Lynn (Netherlands but also FRAS
Hi Lynn, Thank you so much for all your help in this, Last night I contacted Tom boles A well known and sucsessful Supernova hunter and he put me in contact with Guy Hurst, He asked me to send my pics to him from last week and this week. Hes going to put this thing to rest one way or another. I belive hes going to send out a request confirmation to people, Boy what a carry on this is. Hopfully Its clear for ya tonight.
Cheers, John A