Special Notice #102: Possible Nova in Triangulum Australe [NR TrA]

April 4, 2008

CBET 1327 (D. Green, editor) announced the discovery of a possible nova in Triangulum Australe [NR TrA] by Nicholas J. Brown of Quinns Rocks, Western Australia.  The object was discovered by Brown on an image taken 2008 April 1.73 UT (JD 2454558.23) at a magnitude of approximately 9.2. Brown visually estimated the variable at magnitude 9.0 on 2008 April 2.84 (JD 2454559.23).  Prior to discovery, William Liller, Vina del Mar, Chile, obtained a photographic image of the field on 2008 March 31.33 (JD 2454556.83) which showed the object at a magnitude of 10.5; subsequent visual observations by Alexandre Amorim, Florianopolis, Brazil placed the object at magnitude 9.3 on 2008 April 3.158 (JD 2454559.658) and at magnitude 9.9 on 2008 April 4.097 (JD 2454560.097).

The object is located at RA: 16 18 47 , Dec: -60 27 57 (J2000) with an uncertainty of approximately 10 arcseconds.  Because the location is not precisely known, both astrometric and photometric observations are requested.  The object has not been formally classified as a nova, but thus far appears to be one.

A chart for this field may be generated using VSP with the following URL: http://www.aavso.org/observing/charts/vsp/index.html?pickname=N%20TrA%2008

A comparison star sequence has not yet been defined for this object. Please note any and all comparison stars used for visual estimates and instrumental photometry when submitting data.

Please submit all observations of this object to the AAVSO as "N TRA 08" (AUID 000-BFT-171).

This Special Notice was prepared by Matthew Templeton.


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