

M82: Starburst in X-rays

Massive star winds and blasts from supernova explosions have created this starburst galaxy taken by the Chandra X-ray Observatory. This false color image resolves bright spots which are likely shocked supernova remnants and X-ray bright binary stars.

This publication series has been discontinued.

This page is currently being created from archives of the old AAVSO website.  It will be completed as staff time permits. (March 2014)

AAVSO Monographs are publications that contain AAVSO observations of one star and cover many years. Information about the star and the data is included in the background information section for each star. Some Monographs include an image of the historical light curve for the star. Monographsupplements are added periodically to keep the data for the star as up-to-date as possible. The data for each monograph is available on our data download page.

Desig. Star Name Available
1 2138+43 SS CYG 1963 - 2000 Yes
2 0749+22 U GEM 1963 - 2000 Yes
3 1842-05 R SCT 1963 - 2000 No
4 1544+28A R CRB 1963 - 2000 Yes
5 1910-33 RY SGR 1963 - 2000 Yes
6 0814+73 Z CAM 1963 - 2000 Yes
7 1744-06 RS OPH 1963 - 2000 Yes
8 1640+25 AH HER 1963 - 2000 No
9 0058+40 RX AND 1963 - 2000 No
10 1813+49 AM HER 1977 - 2000 No
11 2016+21 PU VUL 1979 - 2000 No
12 0201+14 TT ARI 1974 - 2000 No
13 0324+43 GK PER 1963 - 2000 Yes
14 1904+43 MV LYR 1970 - 2000 No
15 0214-03 OMI CET
1838 - 2000 No
16 1934+49 R CYG 1900 - 2000 No
17 0942+11 R LEO 1905 - 2000 No
18 1151+58 Z UMA 1928 - 2000 No
19 1825+02 FH SER 1970 - 2000 No
20 2108+47 V1500 CYG 1975 - 2000 No
21 1924+20 NQ VUL 1976 - 2000 No
22 1922+27 PW VUL 1984 - 2000 No
23 2307+46 OS AND 1986 - 2000 No
24 1841+12 V838 HER 1991 - 2000 No
25 2027+52 V1974 CYG 1992 - 2000 No
26 1824-17 V4362 SGR 1994 - 2000 No
27 0059+53 V723 CAS 1995 - 2000 No

AAVSO long-term light curves on variable stars contain crucial information that has a significant bearing on many outstanding questions in astrophysics. These light curves define the behavior pattern of variable stars and provide basic sets of observations that may be used to correlate spectroscopic, photometric, and polarimetric multiwavelength data, and to match theoretical stellar models.

The AAVSO Monograph format enables us to present long-term variable star behavior, with each monograph containing 20 or more years of computer-generated light curves on one star. Each Supplement to a Monograph continues the light curves of the same star, bringing them more up-to-date.

Monographs contain AAVSO observations of one star and cover many years. You may order a print copy of a Monograph by contacting AAVSO HQ.

 The print copies also include light curves in many intervals covering the entire period. You can plot the curves for any interval from 1963 on using our online light curve generator.  
