John Percy Article in New eJAAVSO Preprint

Thu, 06/21/2012 - 13:58

Hi Visual Observers,

I wanted to bring to your attention a new eJAAVSO preprint that you can download from the AAVSO website. Dr. John Percy has written an article really supporting visual observations of variable stars. Click on "Three new eJAAVSO preprints. Then click on "Long-Term Visual Light Curves and the Role of Visual Observations in Modern Astrophysics". It's an outstanding and encouraging article by a world famous professional astronomer.

I'd like some feedback on your thoughts on this article. There is already some discussion about this article on our forum.


Chris Stephan

Robert Clyde Observatory

Sebring, Florida  USA

Variable Stars South (VSS)
requested com. on paper

Hi Chris

Excellent and valuable paper. I hope it's well read, for a long time. With a wider perspective and NOT critiquing specific content: The only group of people I've ever heard questioning the value of visual observations is us (visual observers). We are sometimes an insecure lot. I have had enough professionals ask me to monitor certain targets that I know we are valued from that group. Notice I've said 'groups'; there well may be an ocasional dissenting individual.

Very encouraging and informative.

Alan (PAW)