I have noticed following text on this page:
PCObs 3.4
A Windows point-and-click interface that automatically formats your observations into the official AAVSO format. We are currently looking to re-do this program as a JAVA application. If you wish a copy of the older program, please contact us.
I am wondering if there is still need for rewrite of this software in Java.
I think it would be very valuable an aplication to transform AAVSO format to VSNET, to share observations in that mail list once you have made photometry and uploaded it to AAVSO db.
It would be very appreciated, regardless as an option in VPhot, or Java application, or web based javascript.
I've made an excel spreadsheet to do that transformation. An AAVSO format file is opened into excel, and every field is in its box. The most complex task to do is transform JD into date as it is used. The rest of the work is to read data and concatenate fields.
I have attached one of the excel sheets if it is useful to anybody, but I must warn you that I cannot guarantee that it can work perfectly well and I cannot give support for that. To use it, you have to open your aavso format observations txt file in excel, using commas (,) as separator. Then you copy all lines of observations and paste into the original sheet. Then, you will see in lower lines, the same observations transformed into VSNET style format. You have to copy them and paste in "values only" mode in another line to keep only text with no code.
You are free to use it if helps to develope an application or script.
I think it would be very valuable an aplication to transform AAVSO format to VSNET, to share observations in that mail list once you have made photometry and uploaded it to AAVSO db.
Ok, I guess that could be useful. But description of PCObs says: "formats your observations into the official AAVSO format". It looks like it was doing same as Observation Manager does today.
So, is AAVSO still looking to re-do PCObs?
Thanks for the link. Actually, I issue my observations in AAVSO format, and I am interested in one of the features of PCOBS, to transform from VSNET to AAVSO and the opposite.
I have also written an app to churn out AAVSO-format obs reports (I'm already using it sucessfully, so I know it works!) It includes automatic appropriate formatting (JD + 4 d.p. for eruptives, 1 d.p. for 'reds') and is written in VB6 so runs on windows. Inserts chart dates/numbers, codes etc. Currently only works for me (pox) and UK time zone but obviously if anybody else is interested this can be changed, or a facility included for your own settings.
Comes with an access-type DB, so you will need to be able to edit this for your own observational programme.
Just in case anyone's interested?
Yes, I am interested.
OK, I'll have a work on the existing app (it was intended just for me!)
Just looked at your profile and see that you are a CCD observer. My app is for visual obs only, so I'm afraid it would not suit you. Sorry!
Thanks anyway.