Website Security Clarification

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Wed, 11/15/2017 - 20:54

This is a clarification with reports of a possible security threat: AAVSO members who use the life lock service ( ) for Identity Theft Protection have informed us here at HQ that they have received emails from Life Lock that their email addresses and AAVSO passwords were found in a document that was up for sale and pointed to AAVSO as the source of this breach. After a thorough investigation all evidence points to this information being a result of the known 2014 breach, which is only now being found. Please note that, since that breach we have taken extra security measures including encrypting password information to ensure that IF there is any future security problems in our database, your password is likely secure. PLEASE NOTE THAT WE DID NOT HAVE ANY OTHER SECURITY BREACHES SINCE THAT INCIDENT IN 2014. We are not requiring members to change their passwords and believe that your data is safe. If you are concerned, please feel free to change your password.


Please note that we are taking such reports very seriously. Protection of personal data is essential for us, and we appreciate it when you inform us of relevant irregular activities.


Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Bert Pablo
Staff Astronomer