Hi all
VStar 2.19.0 has just been released. Thanks to Sara for providing the usual assistance at the AAVSO server and web end.
The change log entry is as follows:
- Date: May 6 2017
- Version: 2.19.0
- Tag: DEV-AAVSO-06May2017
- Key Changes:
- - Ticket #157 Cannot mark obs discrepant in phase plot mode
- - Ticket #364 Create VeLa: first working implementation of VeLa filters!
- - Ticket #547 Preferences: Allow localisation to be changed in preferences
- - Ticket #558 Allow the range axis to be reversed (plot control dialog)
- - Ticket #559 Minor Loess plugin fixes
- - Ticket #560 Show Model bug in non-English locale
- - Ticket #563 Additions to simple format: "#NAME=" now supported in
- simple and AAVSO download format files
Thanks to:
- Simone for reporting #560 and testing my fix.
- Brad for motivating #563 and #558.
- Sara for reminding me about #157.
- Carlos and others for motivating #547.
- JoDee for running another VStar course and Brad for planning a follow-on course.
I mentioned around the time of the last release that I would have more to say about VeLa (see #364) in future and I will. In the meantime, see View -> VeLa Filter... and page 52 of the updated user manual.
Feel free to ask if you have any questions.
Hello David
Sara, JoDee, Brad, Carlos for making an awsome program even better.
Hi David,
Thank you for the great job and the passion to keep VSTAR as one of the most usefull instruments.
Hi David,
thanks for help and for this great software!
Simone (SSIM)
Thanks Gary, Velimir, Simone.
There's still so much to do!
Feel free to browse through the open tickets and click vote buttons or email here.