Variable Stars South is holding a symposium over three sessions via ZOOM. The first session was run last weekend with four excellent presentations, but we realised belatedly that there may be many more people around the world interested in participating.
The second session will be this coming weekend and the third on the following weekend. AAVSO members are invited to join these meetings. There is no fee, however we require people to register in advance for each session via the following links:
Session 2:
Session 3:
A day or so prior to each session a link to the ZOOM meeting will be emailed to registered participants.
The speakers and titles of their talks are listed below:
Saturday September 24th - 12 noon Australian Eastern Standard Time (2AM UT)
Arne Henden “Twenty years of V838 Mon”
Tom Love “Wrangling photons: doing spectroscopy with small telescopes”
Tom Love “Variable stars: what you can do with a rainbow”
David Moriarty “Spectroscopic and photometric analyses of several eclipsing binary systems with pulsating components and complexities of determining radial velocities in systems with three components”
Sunday October 2nd - 12 noon Australian Daylight Saving Time (1AM UT)
Carl Knight “Locating non-transiting exoplanets by transit timing variation”
Lia Bernabo “Constraining the Love numbers h2 and k2 of exoplanets”
Stan Walker “Dual Maxima Mira Variables - What Causes this Behaviour?”
Jeff Byron “Improved Time-of-Minimum Estimates of EW binary stars using JK-LC”
Arne Henden “Making Telescopes Robotic: The AAVSOnet Example”
Speak biographies and presentation abstracts can be found at Sixth VSS Symposium | Variable Stars South.
Mark Blackford
VSS Director
will the presentations been videoed and made available on Youtube for relaxed watching on a decent time for Europe?
Josch Hambsch (HMB)
Hi Josch,
yes, presentations are being recorded. They will be available from the VSS website eventually. I will post a notification on this forum when they are ready. Cheers,
For those in the Continental U.S., the meetings happen on Friday, 10pm EDT/9pm CDT/8pm MDT/7pm PDT. That Friday/Saturday issue can be confusing!