Validating my CCD measurements

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Mon, 10/31/2022 - 02:27

I suspect that somewhere in this mountain of information is the answer to my question but I have not been able to find it.

My question: is there a list of non-variable stars with accurate UBVIR measurements I can use to test the accuracy of my equipment and software processes? 

So far, I've uploaded about 30 observations, all fully calibrated, all transformed and my V observations seem to match the results of others very well. 

But, my R, I and B observations fall noticeably outside the results of others. Also, these filter observations are in short supply for the variable stars I've observed so far so I'm only comparing myself to one or two others and I would like a better "sample".

Or, is there a better way to go about the validation that what I've described above? That is, am I thinking about this the wrong way?


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Standard Fields


Search on 'Standard Fields' on the AAVSO Web Page and you should find this link:

This list includes 'Landolt Standard Areas' and 'Henden Standard Fields' that include accurately measured comparison stars.

Just select some as targets and use the rest as normal comp stars in your analysis. Use a wide range of colors in your targets. U mags in short supply?

HTH, Ken