V2466 Cygni = Antipin V76 (= "Var76 Cyg") (UGSU:)
Recent ASAS-SN Sky Patrol (Shappee et al. 2014ApJ...788...48S and Kochanek et al. 2017PASP..129j4502K) data and light curve:
CYGV2466 20191125.225 <17.46g ASN
CYGV2466 20191127.229 15.68g ASN
CYGV2466 20191128.214 15.87g ASN
No previous outbursts were recorded in ASAS-SN Sky Patrol data:
*** Time-resolved photometry is urgently required. ***
Clear skies,
CYGV2466 20191130.207 16.12g ASN
CYGV2466 20191130.271 16.16g ASN
Clear skies,
Great! Skies clear tonight. Are there comps? My field is only about 12' x 16'.
Hi Mike,
Example for a comparison star chart created using the AAVSO Variable Star Plotter (VSP):
Clear skies,
Hello! Nothing in my FOV, so I'll have to pass. Best regards.
Come on, Mike,
I see several mag. 16 comparison stars within few arc minutes from the dwarf nova in this chart with 18.5' FOV.
Really strange, looking at the 200 last days for this variable nothing was stored on the DB, LCGv1 is empty, why ?
Hello! Usually, my variable uncertainties are fairly large when comps are less than 15th mag with my 8" LX200, but I can give it a try. Best regards.
Mike wrote: "Usually, my variable uncertainties are fairly large when comps are less than 15th mag ..."
How about using comparison star '151'?
... will submit to the DB in a few minutes, just as a spoiler :-).
> and precise astrometry are urgently required. ***
I guess this is cut-and-paste from some initial report, but FWIW, the coordinates in the AAVSO chart are consistent with my measurements .
Heinz-Bernd Eggenstein (EHEA) wrote:
"... the coordinates in the AAVSO chart are consistent with my measurements."
Thanks, HB! Tonny Vanmunster (VMT) also confirmed the correctness of the VSX position.
Hello! CV filter got me to 16.5 mag with 0.03 mag error with the 14th and 15th magnitude comps. Filtered images would likely be beyond my equipment's capability at this point, but I was excited to see CV with good error range. Best regards.
V2466 Cyg has now been extended from ~ 16.6V to ~ 19.8 V
Good Observing & Ad Astra
Tim Crawford, Sequence Team