There's a new mag-10 transient in Oph independently discovered by observers in Japan. It's posted on the TOCP follow-up page as PNV J17144255-2943481.
Good observing,
Elizabeth Waagen, AAVSO HQ
There's a new mag-10 transient in Oph independently discovered by observers in Japan. It's posted on the TOCP follow-up page as PNV J17144255-2943481.
Good observing,
Elizabeth Waagen, AAVSO HQ
I got a low-res SA100 spectrum of this last night. Strong blue continuum. Odd sort of line profile - weak Ha emission line, no sign of Hb, but a stronger He/N(?) emission line around 4680. Possibly a He/N type nova close to maximum?
I have done photometry of this star the past two nights. There is a drop in brightness of nearly 0.5 mag within 24h-