Transform Applier Issues

Thu, 03/11/2021 - 02:18

Got the Transformation Generator 6.6 working okay, and have loaded my transformation coefficients into the Vphot telescope profile. When I attempt to use transform applier after uploading the untransformed webobs forms for V and B, then clicking "create transformed AAVSO report", I get a "not transformed warning" in the report and consequently no transformed magnitudes.

Three other warnings also appear which may be the root of the problem: "CANNOT TRANSFORM ENSEMBLE OBS.", "NO CREFMAG AVAILABLE", and "NO KREFMAG AVAILABLE". I understand CREFMAG refers to comp star magnitude and KREFMAG refers to check star magnitude.

So, for transformed magnitudes I can only report a target star, check star, and comp star??? Ensembles are not permitted for transformations??? Is it possible to perform a transform with only a single color report such the "V" or must I always submit two color reports (in my case a V and B) to perform transformations??? How do I fix the CREFMAG and KREFMAG issues??? It looks like from what I've read I need to edit the untransformed reports to include the CREFMAG and KREFMAG data, a sample of what that should look like would be helpful...

Any input would be appreciated, I'm stuck in the learning process for now.


Jamey Jenkins

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Transform Applier Issues

Hi Jamey,

The transform process corrects your reported magnitude if there is a difference in the color of the target and the comp star. That's the basics.

The transform process in VPhot is designed to work with the AAVSO report file that you are about to submit to webobs. With that, and the coefficients in your telescope profile, it can create the new, transformed, report file that you submit to webobs instead. The problem is that an ensemble record lacks the information needed to transform: like the comp magnitude and the reference magnitude, for instance. So, ensemble records cannot be transformed.

Lot's of discussion around the ensemble vs single-comp-transformed data submissions. You will need to pick which camp you want to join. The advice I follow is that transformed data is preferred to ensemble data. Rather than start a flame war, I'll leave it at that.

Since the transforms are referenced to two filters you will always need the same data (ie, data for all the filters referenced by the transform coefficients used) available in order to apply them; this is the transform group.

The mechanism described in the help to provide CREFMAG= and KREFMAG= is for special case. If you have a chart id and provide comp and check star labels, you will not need this as VPhot/TA will be able to look it up. This mechanism will not let you dodge the no-ensemble-transformation edict.

I hope this helps. Please post your AAVSO report file if you want to discuss further. Or contact me at


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
1 comp not ensemble


Just create and save a new sequence with one comp, not an ensemble. Run the images again and save the B and V AAVSO Reports. Drop the two reports into TransformApplier and generate the transformed AAVSO Report. You will be all set and can then submit your transformed magnitude report.


PS: There is a short cut to running two separate initial reports but do this first and then we can discuss the short cut if you do not figure it out yourself. Do not be concerned about using only one comp. The transformed results will be fine.

Ken & George literally mean to use only the target star and 1-comp star??? I thought I had read to always use a check star with a single comp star...So, I recreated my non-transformed reports for V and B filters using only the target star and 1-comp star. Uploaded both of them to transform applier and clicked "create transformed AAVSO report". Still no transformed mags, and still the warnings about CREFMAG and KREFMAG missing. Of course no warning about ENSEMBLE this time.

I've copied below the text report files I've input into Transformer Applier and the text report files that are output in windows two and three. If either or both of you can steer me in the right direction I'd be so ever grateful. Man, what a challenge!!

Jamey Jenkins

#SOFTWARE=VPhot 4.0.10c
BG Cyg,2459041.66721,10.973,0.010,V,NO,STD,116,-8.585,na,na,1.1486,na,X25491DH,30 seconds X 2


#SOFTWARE=VPhot 4.0.10c
BG Cyg,2459043.60770,12.609,0.012,B,NO,STD,123,-6.860,na,na,1.3966,na,X25491DM,180 seconds X 3


#SOFTWARE=VPhot 4.0.10c
BG Cyg,2459043.60770,12.609,0.012,B,NO,STD,123,-6.860,na,na,1.3966,na,X25491DM,180 seconds X 3
# No CREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
#SOFTWARE=VPhot 4.0.10c
BG Cyg,2459041.66721,10.973,0.010,V,NO,STD,116,-8.585,na,na,1.1486,na,X25491DH,30 seconds X 2
# No CREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.


Star                 Date    Filter Grp    Vraw      Vinst    Vex    TranMag      diff       VERR    VERRt
"BG Cyg         "   2459043.60770 B       12.609    0.000    0.000    not transformed
"BG Cyg         "   2459041.66721 V       10.973    0.000    0.000    not transformed

    Detail narrative for each observation  

BG Cyg,2459043.60770,12.609,0.012,B,NO,STD,123,-6.860,na,na,1.3966,na,X25491DM,180 seconds X 3

 No CREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
BG Cyg,2459041.66721,10.973,0.010,V,NO,STD,116,-8.585,na,na,1.1486,na,X25491DH,30 seconds X 2

 No CREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.

          Summary of group data

 name+group      filtC   Us     Bs     Vs     Rs     Is     us     bs     vs     rs     is

 name+group      filtC   Uc     Bc     Vc     Rc     Ic     uc     bc     vc     rc     ic

   transform coefficients applied by Transformer Applier, version 2.51
      desc: TG - Version 6.6, Telescope= 102mmf7, Time created (UT) = 2021_03_10_15:44:02
Tbv= 1.1970, +/- 0.0130
Tb_bv= 0.1200, +/- 0.0060
Tv_bv= -0.0440, +/- 0.0060



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)

No Jamey, you always need a check too, just as you surmised. Give that a try. You need a check because the aavso report format requires one. The check effectively proves that your analysis is accurate or not!

Learning the process takes a combination of reading the guide and trying things. Trust your intuition. Don't be quite so literal. Yes, that is easy for me to say but vphot is 'generally' easy to follow despite what you may believe right now!  The one comp requirement of TA is less well documented but now you know.


PS. See Phil's post about an alternative. Try to find the other technique that I hinted at in my previous post. Ask again if you don't find it.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
transforming ensemble photometry

Have you tried the Two Color Transform tool in VPhot?  It works with ensembles, but only two filters at a time. 

Let's say you want transformed measurements of the target variable in B and V.  (Of course, your B and V transforms must be in your telescope setup information.)

In the available images list check the (stacked if appropriate) B and V images, then click on Two Color Transform in the tool menu just above the images list.

Next window:  Select the user defined ensemble sequence you use for that target.  Your user defined sequence must contain a check starThen, pick your measuring aperture.  The default 1.5X the average FWHM of the defined sequence stars works well if your comps and target are of about the same magnitude.

Next window:  This is similar to the single color photometry tool.  Cull the outlying comp stars from the active list, then click Keep This.

Go to the Analysis Log to create the report and submit the results.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
TA and VPHOT forum comments

These forums are a great way to get help. Thanks to those who have the know how and want to help. Lots of problems are solved. A big challenge is keeping track of this info and where to find it within the forums. The search feature helps a lot but still requires time to read through them to find an answer. I tried to keep this info by copying parts of the text and pasting into a word doc but have not been that obedient or successful. 

I am impressed with VPHOT and the amount of work taken for both it's creation and the manual. I have two HUGE requests:

1. Make the VPHOT Manual a "live" document by editing to include parts from forum comments which further explain the process.

2. Include in the VPHOT Manual a list of error messages with their meaning and possible solutions.



Hi Gary,


Yep, I do the same thing here with every new venture. I keep inside individual three ring binders the manuals, notes, forum comments, etc. on each new facet of astronomical activity I pursue. Do my best to read up on these subjects and obtain practical experience. The gaps in communication unfortunately make it more challenging than I like, but thank goodness for forums like these, and experienced individuals willing to give back to the astro-community so more can contribute and/or find pleasure in looking up.

Best of luck, Gary!!


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Four Different Techniques


As I think you may be discovering, there are four different alternatives in VPhot (and other photometry software) for calculating your target magnitude:

1. One comp, non-transformed,

2. Ensemble comps, non-transformed,

3. One comp, transformed;

4. Ensemble comps, transformed.

IF you are game, give each a try with your two images (B&V). It is 'generally' quite simple.  ;-)  This experiment is a good way to learn how good or bad photometric magnitudes may be (although not always)! It also helps you to learn how to do these processes in VPhot.



IF you still get incomplete TA transformed reports, check to make sure that the comp you selected has a given magnitude in each bandpass, B&V. If that is not the case, TA will keep asking that you provide the color terms.

Note that the four target magnitudes really only give you a relative comparison BUT the four check star magnitudes give you a true measure of accuracy since you know the 'true' magnitude of the check star. 

reset on transformations

Hi Ken & all,

Great suggestion on taking data and trying the four different alternatives, this I will be doing. I have been doing untransformed #1 and #2 for a couple years and thought it time to take the next step. Ken, you remarked about "check to make sure that the comp you selected has a given magnitude in each bandpass" for TA transformed reports, this I've not paid attention to and may be the root of my failure issues. Back to the drawing board, it's all a learning process you know...and that is what makes astronomy a fantastic hobby, there is ALWAYS something new to learn.

Thanks for the input!!

Jamey Jenkins


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)

It turns out there is an issue here. VPhot is having a problem with comp data returned from VSD for this chart: it contained nulls.

A fix for this will be deployed soon.

Mean time you may will need to generate a new chart or wait for this fix.



Hi Fellows,

I did as Ken suggested and re-did the photometry using the target star, and the same check and comp star for both V and B filters. Put those reports into TA and ran the process. This time no warnings and it generated a Transformed Photometry report for the V and B magnitudes. I note there was only a few hundredths of a magnitude difference between my non-transformed and transformed magnitudes so this sounds like I'm on the right track. And the Vphot issue must be resolved George...

One final confirmation please...for future data I should upload the TA report created to the WebObs link? and this would load both the V and B transformed magnitudes to the star's light curve. In the past I've only loaded individual V and/or B reports through WebObs...

Thanks yet again!!


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
TA Report


As I know you observed, the TA report contains all the transformed filter mags in one report. Therefore, you do not have to worry about uploading single filter reports. This is more efficient!

Another efficiency is now possible due to the fact that you can run a time series of multiple filters. Select both (all) the filter images (B&V, or other) and click time series. Run them with the appropriate sequence. Save this report and load it into TA. See what you get. Again, more efficient. Try it out. Note that you do need to run the time series in a proper order like BVRIBVRIBVRI... ;-)


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Magnitude Differences


There will typically be small but significant differences between the different methods. Under conditions of extreme stellar color, the magnitude differences may exceed 0.1 mags, especially for DSLR cameras, where RGB filters are not the same as Johnson Cousins BVR filters!  Transformed mags will typically be more accurate than non-transformed, and ensemble mags will typically be better than a single comp, with respect to ACCURACY. A key exception is that IF you select a comp that has exactly the same color as the target, there will be NO magnitude difference. IOW, under that condition, transformation is actually not necessary!



mag diffs

Hi Ken,

Sounds good! I'll do some playing around, and settle into a workflow that fits my needs. Appreciate your and everyone else's help on this. Seems to be coming together now.

Clearest Skies!!


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
TA with time series

I've been using TA very successfully with individual images in multiple bands. 

Today I attempted to transform time series in BVRI without success. Only 1 check and 1 comp star in my sequence. 5 variables though.

Is there some trick to making this work? Errors in output file are: # Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.



I input file:

#SOFTWARE=VPhot 4.0.11
V0460 Sco,2459299.38692,12.658,0.013,I,NO,STD,116,-6.875,117,-6.680,1.00050,0,X26387OV,na
FS Sco,2459299.38692,10.189,0.003,I,NO,STD,116,-6.875,117,-6.680,1.00050,0,X26387OV,na
V0456 Sco,2459299.38692,9.796,0.002,I,NO,STD,116,-6.875,117,-6.680,1.00050,0,X26387OV,na
FO Sco,2459299.38692,10.284,0.002,I,NO,STD,116,-6.875,117,-6.680,1.00050,0,X26387OV,na
ASASSN-V J170615.23-322944.7,2459299.38692,11.588,0.007,I,NO,STD,116,-6.875,117,-6.680,1.00050,0,X26387OV,na
V0460 Sco,2459299.38841,12.658,0.014,I,NO,STD,116,-6.869,117,-6.684,1.00077,0,X26387OV,na
FS Sco,2459299.38841,10.187,0.003,I,NO,STD,116,-6.869,117,-6.684,1.00077,0,X26387OV,na
V0456 Sco,2459299.38841,9.795,0.002,I,NO,STD,116,-6.869,117,-6.684,1.00077,0,X26387OV,na
FO Sco,2459299.38841,10.281,0.002,I,NO,STD,116,-6.869,117,-6.684,1.00077,0,X26387OV,na
ASASSN-V J170615.23-322944.7,2459299.38841,11.582,0.007,I,NO,STD,116,-6.869,117,-6.684,1.00077,0,X26387OV,na
V0460 Sco,2459299.39152,12.586,0.015,I,NO,STD,116,-6.843,117,-6.716,1.00151,0,X26387OV,na
FS Sco,2459299.39152,10.128,0.002,I,NO,STD,116,-6.843,117,-6.716,1.00151,0,X26387OV,na
V0456 Sco,2459299.39152,9.742,0.002,I,NO,STD,116,-6.843,117,-6.716,1.00151,0,X26387OV,na
FO Sco,2459299.39152,10.276,0.002,I,NO,STD,116,-6.843,117,-6.716,1.00151,0,X26387OV,na
ASASSN-V J170615.23-322944.7,2459299.39152,11.582,0.007,I,NO,STD,116,-6.843,117,-6.716,1.00151,0,X26387OV,na


TA Output File:

#SOFTWARE=VPhot 4.0.11
V0460 Sco,2459299.38692,12.658,0.013,I,NO,STD,116,-6.875,117,-6.680,1.00050,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
FS Sco,2459299.38692,10.189,0.003,I,NO,STD,116,-6.875,117,-6.680,1.00050,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
V0456 Sco,2459299.38692,9.796,0.002,I,NO,STD,116,-6.875,117,-6.680,1.00050,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
FO Sco,2459299.38692,10.284,0.002,I,NO,STD,116,-6.875,117,-6.680,1.00050,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
ASASSN-V J170615.23-322944.7,2459299.38692,11.588,0.007,I,NO,STD,116,-6.875,117,-6.680,1.00050,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
V0460 Sco,2459299.38841,12.658,0.014,I,NO,STD,116,-6.869,117,-6.684,1.00077,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
FS Sco,2459299.38841,10.187,0.003,I,NO,STD,116,-6.869,117,-6.684,1.00077,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
V0456 Sco,2459299.38841,9.795,0.002,I,NO,STD,116,-6.869,117,-6.684,1.00077,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
FO Sco,2459299.38841,10.281,0.002,I,NO,STD,116,-6.869,117,-6.684,1.00077,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
ASASSN-V J170615.23-322944.7,2459299.38841,11.582,0.007,I,NO,STD,116,-6.869,117,-6.684,1.00077,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
V0460 Sco,2459299.39152,12.586,0.015,I,NO,STD,116,-6.843,117,-6.716,1.00151,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
FS Sco,2459299.39152,10.128,0.002,I,NO,STD,116,-6.843,117,-6.716,1.00151,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
V0456 Sco,2459299.39152,9.742,0.002,I,NO,STD,116,-6.843,117,-6.716,1.00151,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
FO Sco,2459299.39152,10.276,0.002,I,NO,STD,116,-6.843,117,-6.716,1.00151,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
ASASSN-V J170615.23-322944.7,2459299.39152,11.582,0.007,I,NO,STD,116,-6.843,117,-6.716,1.00151,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
#SOFTWARE=VPhot 4.0.11
V0460 Sco,2459299.38243,13.070,0.010,R,NO,STD,116,-8.304,117,-8.175,1.00009,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
FS Sco,2459299.38243,12.446,0.006,R,NO,STD,116,-8.304,117,-8.175,1.00009,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
V0456 Sco,2459299.38243,11.828,0.003,R,NO,STD,116,-8.304,117,-8.175,1.00009,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
FO Sco,2459299.38243,11.952,0.004,R,NO,STD,116,-8.304,117,-8.175,1.00009,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
ASASSN-V J170615.23-322944.7,2459299.38243,11.886,0.005,R,NO,STD,116,-8.304,117,-8.175,1.00009,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
V0460 Sco,2459299.38391,13.089,0.011,R,NO,STD,116,-8.265,117,-8.132,1.00017,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
FS Sco,2459299.38391,12.498,0.007,R,NO,STD,116,-8.265,117,-8.132,1.00017,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
V0456 Sco,2459299.38391,11.828,0.003,R,NO,STD,116,-8.265,117,-8.132,1.00017,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
FO Sco,2459299.38391,11.948,0.004,R,NO,STD,116,-8.265,117,-8.132,1.00017,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
ASASSN-V J170615.23-322944.7,2459299.38391,11.878,0.005,R,NO,STD,116,-8.265,117,-8.132,1.00017,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
V0460 Sco,2459299.38541,13.118,0.010,R,NO,STD,116,-8.262,117,-8.103,1.00030,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
FS Sco,2459299.38541,12.551,0.007,R,NO,STD,116,-8.262,117,-8.103,1.00030,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
V0456 Sco,2459299.38541,11.833,0.003,R,NO,STD,116,-8.262,117,-8.103,1.00030,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
FO Sco,2459299.38541,11.953,0.005,R,NO,STD,116,-8.262,117,-8.103,1.00030,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
ASASSN-V J170615.23-322944.7,2459299.38541,11.880,0.004,R,NO,STD,116,-8.262,117,-8.103,1.00030,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
#SOFTWARE=VPhot 4.0.11
V0460 Sco,2459299.37788,13.467,0.011,V,NO,STD,116,-8.277,117,-8.185,1.00027,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
FS Sco,2459299.37788,13.364,0.011,V,NO,STD,116,-8.277,117,-8.185,1.00027,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
V0456 Sco,2459299.37788,12.729,0.005,V,NO,STD,116,-8.277,117,-8.185,1.00027,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
FO Sco,2459299.37788,12.827,0.006,V,NO,STD,116,-8.277,117,-8.185,1.00027,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
ASASSN-V J170615.23-322944.7,2459299.37788,12.158,0.003,V,NO,STD,116,-8.277,117,-8.185,1.00027,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
V0460 Sco,2459299.37939,13.471,0.010,V,NO,STD,116,-8.271,117,-8.171,1.00014,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
FS Sco,2459299.37939,13.371,0.012,V,NO,STD,116,-8.271,117,-8.171,1.00014,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
V0456 Sco,2459299.37939,12.726,0.005,V,NO,STD,116,-8.271,117,-8.171,1.00014,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
FO Sco,2459299.37939,12.811,0.007,V,NO,STD,116,-8.271,117,-8.171,1.00014,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
ASASSN-V J170615.23-322944.7,2459299.37939,12.155,0.004,V,NO,STD,116,-8.271,117,-8.171,1.00014,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
V0460 Sco,2459299.38089,13.482,0.011,V,NO,STD,116,-8.281,117,-8.189,1.00009,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
FS Sco,2459299.38089,13.325,0.011,V,NO,STD,116,-8.281,117,-8.189,1.00009,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
V0456 Sco,2459299.38089,12.735,0.005,V,NO,STD,116,-8.281,117,-8.189,1.00009,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
FO Sco,2459299.38089,12.827,0.006,V,NO,STD,116,-8.281,117,-8.189,1.00009,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
ASASSN-V J170615.23-322944.7,2459299.38089,12.149,0.004,V,NO,STD,116,-8.281,117,-8.189,1.00009,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
#SOFTWARE=VPhot 4.0.11
V0460 Sco,2459299.36725,14.249,0.010,B,NO,STD,116,-7.908,117,-7.924,1.00283,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
FS Sco,2459299.36725,15.076,0.025,B,NO,STD,116,-7.908,117,-7.924,1.00283,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
V0456 Sco,2459299.36725,14.614,0.014,B,NO,STD,116,-7.908,117,-7.924,1.00283,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
FO Sco,2459299.36725,14.744,0.013,B,NO,STD,116,-7.908,117,-7.924,1.00283,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
ASASSN-V J170615.23-322944.7,2459299.36725,12.779,0.003,B,NO,STD,116,-7.908,117,-7.924,1.00283,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
V0460 Sco,2459299.36944,14.265,0.010,B,NO,STD,116,-7.921,117,-7.922,1.00203,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
FS Sco,2459299.36944,15.046,0.023,B,NO,STD,116,-7.921,117,-7.922,1.00203,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
V0456 Sco,2459299.36944,14.673,0.015,B,NO,STD,116,-7.921,117,-7.922,1.00203,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
FO Sco,2459299.36944,14.738,0.016,B,NO,STD,116,-7.921,117,-7.922,1.00203,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
ASASSN-V J170615.23-322944.7,2459299.36944,12.792,0.003,B,NO,STD,116,-7.921,117,-7.922,1.00203,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
V0460 Sco,2459299.37163,14.273,0.009,B,NO,STD,116,-7.911,117,-7.911,1.00137,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
FS Sco,2459299.37163,15.112,0.022,B,NO,STD,116,-7.911,117,-7.911,1.00137,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
V0456 Sco,2459299.37163,14.658,0.016,B,NO,STD,116,-7.911,117,-7.911,1.00137,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
FO Sco,2459299.37163,14.740,0.015,B,NO,STD,116,-7.911,117,-7.911,1.00137,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
ASASSN-V J170615.23-322944.7,2459299.37163,12.789,0.003,B,NO,STD,116,-7.911,117,-7.911,1.00137,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
V0460 Sco,2459299.37383,14.297,0.010,B,NO,STD,116,-7.912,117,-7.922,1.00084,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
FS Sco,2459299.37383,15.026,0.021,B,NO,STD,116,-7.912,117,-7.922,1.00084,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
V0456 Sco,2459299.37383,14.617,0.014,B,NO,STD,116,-7.912,117,-7.922,1.00084,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
FO Sco,2459299.37383,14.760,0.015,B,NO,STD,116,-7.912,117,-7.922,1.00084,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
ASASSN-V J170615.23-322944.7,2459299.37383,12.780,0.003,B,NO,STD,116,-7.912,117,-7.922,1.00084,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
V0460 Sco,2459299.37602,14.261,0.010,B,NO,STD,116,-7.916,117,-7.922,1.00045,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
FS Sco,2459299.37602,15.130,0.022,B,NO,STD,116,-7.916,117,-7.922,1.00045,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
V0456 Sco,2459299.37602,14.663,0.015,B,NO,STD,116,-7.916,117,-7.922,1.00045,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
FO Sco,2459299.37602,14.752,0.016,B,NO,STD,116,-7.916,117,-7.922,1.00045,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.
ASASSN-V J170615.23-322944.7,2459299.37602,12.797,0.003,B,NO,STD,116,-7.916,117,-7.922,1.00045,0,X26387OV,na
# Duplicate label in chart. No KREFMAG available. Possibly bad chart reference.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
TA reports Duplicate label in chart.

In this case you need to examine the chart photometry.

Your input data is using star label 117 for the check.

But the chart has two 117 stars:

You need to disambiguate: Replace the "117" label with either "000-BJM-393" or "000-BKN-802"

The charts use labels to make them easy to read. But this does cause this problem periodically.




American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
duplicate labels

Hmm. Not sure what you mean by "the exact same sequence "works" with individual images". 

Happy to explain what the issues are:
- If you mean looking at single image on the SelectStar page and asking for photometry, all the information is right at hand. (the sequence and reference stars, etc.). There is no confusion about which stars are being pointed to.

- When TA runs the only information available is the input file (the untransformed report file ready for webobs submission) plus the transform coefficients offered from the telescope profile. The submission form (the AEFF, AAVSO Extended Format File) lacks important information. Reference magnitudes have to be extracted via the CREF and KREF labels and the chartid. That's where we run into the ambiguous label issue.

TA is not really a VPhot application. It was originally a stand-alone application. It's tool chain finally was no longer viable (BCB++ 5), so it was ported to the VPhot environment. There, as a web application, it would be available to everyone, not just windows users. And I could keep it up-to-date. There is no requirement that you prepare your input for for TA with VPhot. So it has to work with just the inputs submitted.

Hope that helps,