
Special Notice #208: Optical transient in Pegasus

May 8, 2010: CBET 2273 (D.W.E. Green, editor) reports the discovery of a bright transient in Pegasus by Dae-Am Yi (Yeongwol-kun, Gangwon-do, Korea). The object was discovered at magnitude 10.8 on 2010 May 6.77 (JD 2455323.27) on an image taken with a Canon 5D + 93-mm camera lens. The object brightened to magnitude 8.4 as observed on 2010 May 7.76 (2455324.26) on an image taken with a 400-mm lens. The transient object appears to be concident with GSC 2197:886 on discovery images, but this identification is not yet proven.