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Alert Notice 714: TCP J21040470+4631129 to be observed with HST

Note: Additional HST observations may be scheduled, so please continue obtaining 2-3 V snapshots per week. When a decision is made about any further HST observations (and consequent cadence changes), that information will be communicated via the forum threads for this campaign. Please be sure to subscribe to stay informed! - Elizabeth O. Waagen, 1 October 2020

Note: The HST observations of TCP-J21040470+4631129 have been scheduled for

Sep 12, 2020 07:16:37 to 13:07:28 UT

Alert Notice 713: Unusual Nova in Aquila: N Aql 2020 No. 2 = AT 2020qpq = PGIR20eig

Note: The table of Observations submitted to the AAVSO was replaced to correct errors in this table in the original version of the Alert Notice.  -  Elizabeth O. Waagen, 3 August 2020

August 3, 2020