Words of Remembrance for Janet A. Mattei
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After not reading it for many, many weeks, this morning I decided to catch up on the latest on the AAVSO discussion list. Instead, I suddenly found myself thrown into another, sad, Universe, as I read about Janet's death. Devastating and surreal...
Words of Remembrance for Janet A. Mattei
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I received the news with great pain. I had the privilege of meet she in Montevideo, 1992 in one Convention of LIADA. (Liga Iberoamericana de Astronomia) I would also like to express my condolences to Dr. Mattei's family and friends. —Esmeralda Mallada (Uruguay)
The Ballad of Margaret Mayall
Dedicated to Margaret Mayall, Director Emeritus, The American Association of Variable Star Observers. Written by Mike Saladyga, with apologies to Woody Guthrie ("The Ranger's Command"), and sung to Margaret by the AAVSO Staff, January 1992, on the occasion of her 90th birthday.
Margaret W. Mayall
A Margaret Mayall Centenary Celebration!
Elizabeth O. Waagen Celebrates 25 Years at the AAVSO!
Elizabeth started working at the AAVSO in 1979 after graduating with a degree in Astronomy from Smith College in Northhampton, MA. She began as technical assistant to Director Janet Mattei. Over the next 25 years the variety and number of her responsibilities grew.
Directors' Reports
Annual Report of the Director of the AAVSO