SY Andromedae in eclipse

Sun, 09/28/2014 - 06:38

  It looks like the eclipse prediction for SY Andromedae given in VSX for 6:07 UT September 28 is accurate, even though this EA is poorly observed. I got out and looked at it twice tonight. I haven't entered these visual estimates yet but will soon:

  1:35 UT September 28 = 12.1 mag.

  4:33 UT September 28 = 12.2 mag.

  Lots of cirrus clouds have moved in to stay here, but for anyone interested this star should spend the next 25 hours or so climbing back up to about 10.7 mag. It's not tough to find; just five degrees away from the Andromeda Galaxy M-31. The next eclipse won't happen until November 2. These long-period eclipsing binaries are fascinating to me for some reason! 

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thanks for the heads-up (pun

Thanks for the heads-up (pun intended)  It's on my list for 2 Nov. weather permitting

  There isn't an official

  There isn't an official sequence yet but maybe I can request one. I've been using magnitudes from the Calsky website. They use USNO for the fainter stars, so I read.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
SY And


There is now an official sequence for SY And. I took an image Wed (10/1) with iTelescope T11 and used the new sequence.  I have 2 more images scheduled (Sat/Mon) and will add more as long as the weather holds in New Mexico.

Dave (HDHA)