Just in case the spectra enthusiasts did not catch this over on the "campaigns" forum....
I've got a new target for the Type II-n supernovae that I crowd source the photometry for. The target information is below. This time I am very interested in trying to use filter wheel gratings to add a spectroscopy dimension to the campaign. The target is at V~15.4 as of 19 June UT and there is a good chance it will get brighter. The target is also nicely separated from the galaxy nucleus. So this is probably doable for many of you with SA100 or SA200 gratings. I encourage you to try it out. If you get anything, I will be thrilled if you are wiling to share it.
Here is the target information:
ASASSN-15lf (ATEL 7634 and ATEL 7644)
RA: 12:06:45.56
Dec: +67:09:24.00
Class: Type II-n
V mag about 16.2 on June 15 and 15.4 on June 19.
Host galaxy: NGC 4108 (this galaxy is pretty nearby, indicating this target could potentially get much brighter)
I have attached a spectra if ASASSN-15lf. Its 5 images of 120 seconds each. Object at 15.7, so could use more exposure. I have a 12 inch telescope. If it clears I will do more. Thanks to John Martin who processed the spectra.
John says this shows its a Type II SN. The absorption at Ha and Hb, along with the emission lines there, suggest this is a type IIn.