Greetings.Being a solar observer for a few months now and submitting my solar spot counts via SunEntry,2 months now.Autumn and Winter in my city means lots of rain and cloudy skies day and night.My submits will be limited to only when the weather permits.So i want to ask,is it "possible" to observe and count sun spots by operating web telescopes? I know it is not a suggested solution.Thank you very much for your time.
Best regards,
Georgios Lekkas.
Hi Georgios,
I don't know of any web operated solar scope. Perhaps there are other observers who know ?
Hello Rodney,
Thank you for your answer. What about Slooh? I think it gives you the ability to observe the Sun.
Hi Georgios,
You can try the Slooh folks, although, if it is only an H-alpha scope it won't do for counting sunspots. Perhaps contact them and ask if they use a 'white light' filter..
Hello Rodney,thank you very much for the answer. I will ask them. Have a nice day.
Slooh's Solar Scope is only for HA. And the scope dosen't show the whole solar disk only about half of it at any one time.
Thank you very much for the answer,TYS.
I would say no because we are given "k" values for our observing abilities and if you use a different telescope it could skew your results. Today there are two groups visible, but it's cloudy and I can't see them. I could report the Kanzelhohe (Austria) report, but it would possibly differ from what i would get from my telescope. Same with SDO.