Hi friends.
Have you got any information regarding this Supernova?
In facebook (arghh...) there is a message from " Guillermo Abramson" stated:
#SN2017cbv está más brillante que la semana pasada. Mag 11.5. Desde el balcón de casa, 4 min, 8" F/6.3.
"#SN2017cbv is brighter than last week. Mag 11.5....
Some friends did not learned that facebook is not the proper way to comunicate important observations.
Report it first properly on international database (as AAVSO). Go to facebook after that...
Hi AAX. I'm Guillermo Abramson. I just created an account here. Please find hereby an image of my observations of last night. Comparison stars are shown, SN2017cbv is clearly brighter than the one I saw here, whence I knew about it. I estimate its magnitude at 11.5.
Details on the image:
Meade LX10 (8" F/10 SCT, reduced to F/6.3). Standard mount, autoguided with homemade realy feeding back to hand controller. Canon T3i unmodified at prime focus.
10x240 sec, ISO1600, 4 darks, median stacked, RGB background calibration, minimal post processing.
Taken from downtown Bariloche (-41.1392861,-71.2993278), urban on the darker side. Excellent seeing (unusual).
Hi Guillermo,
Good job. Be free to sumit your magnitude estimate to AAVSO Database using WebObs Tool. https://www.aavso.org/webobs
Sebastian Otero and other friends can help you, if necessary.
It's important we have this estimate.
with regards,
I just got an obscode and I am trying to do it. When I submit I get a blank page, something must be wrong.
Hi Guillermo,
I used my login to insert *your* observation with your observer code (AGUA). After that you can edit or update further information. Important in this time is: Date UT, magnitude, comps and chart used.
The chart #X17702AKX has the comps 114 and 116 is that ploted as "114V" and "118V" in your image.
Oh, thanks! I was entering the UCAC4 names of the stars instead of the magnitudes, perhaps that threw the form spinning away. I take notice.
I took those comps from Rochester's Bright Supernova's photometry charts. (http://www.rochesterastronomy.org/snimages/reference/index.html)