Server queue not moving - disk full again?

URSA Astronomical Association, Variable Star Section (Finland) (URSA)
Fri, 03/09/2012 - 20:13

Hi all,

Again, the symptoms look like that the server disk is full. Queue is not moving.

The new 3 Tb disks cost about 250 dollars. Investing about 1000 dollars we could have 12Tb more disk space. 


-Mika "LMJ" Luostarinen

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
VPhot Server

The VPhot server is on Amazon's Cloud. It is not quite as simple as buying our own hard drive.

The cause is a bit more complex but is being debugged and hopefully will be resolved shortly.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
VPHOT server

Thanks for the update, Kenneth. Good to know which part of the chain is causing the problem and I wish all involved good luck in finding the bug. We all just have to sit tight and collect more photons.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
vPhot page not loading

Hi all,

Since yesterday evening,logging into aavso,going to vphot page it is still there tried many times but no way.Impossible to log into vPhot.

The software is fantastic,I love it since the Photometrica times but I really would like to know if there is another solution,once a week there are problems.I understand and don't know how is possible to upload and manage such a huge amount of datas,an incredible effort but maybe there is another way.People loading and loading tons of images,one day the server will explode for sure.Anyway half an hour right now and no way to load.Thanks

Stefano 'T5' Padovan (psd)


The problem with troubleshooting this is that the freezes leave behind no log files or other hints as to why they are occuring. So we are left with the unfortunately strategy of waiting for enough freezes to occur that we can find a common element to the environment, current server activity, etc. Logging and debugging has never been the strong suite of Windows. Geir has been working hard on it, despite lots of non-VPhot distractions. We'll find the problem and appreciate the patience so far.