If your requery (in my case on limiting magnitude) brings up an empty data set, you get an info box telling you so. Very helpful - but whatever you do (dismiss the box OR hit 'OK') the query is simply repeated, bringing up the same error box, ad infinitum.
Thank you for letting me know, Michael.
I was able to repeat the problem and will work on fixing it as soon as I can.
I am also having problems with the "empty data set". It seems like once I receive an "empty data set" I am trapped forever. To close Seqplot I have to use Windows Task Manager. If I restart Seqplot I am still trapped.
See a more complete discussion on Aavs-sequence this morning.
Jim Jones
The issue with the second half of my problem isn't related to the "empty data set" endless loop.
That is when I finally use the task manager to get out of Seqplot, restarting Seqplot will still give me a "empty data set". It turns out that I had been doing a bright sequence and had the set the limiting magnitude rather bright. That value for limiting magnitude persists and hence the "empty data set". Of course I can't get to the display to change the limiting magnitude so the only recourse is to go to a known field where there is a biight star and then change it.
If you would go ahead and display the blank field when there is an empty data set, we could change the limiting magnitude.
Jim Jones
You can change that
You can change that limiting magnitude outside of SeqPlot (I've done this a few times) - go to the seqplotdefault.ini file that SeqPlot creates the first time you use the program. There's a little list of settings, and the limiting magnitude is usually fairly obvious. Just change it and save the file. Here's the contents of my .ini file:
That 13.0 is clearly the current limiting mag.
Thanks Michael
Jim Jones
Hi All,
Thank you for bringing this to my attention and for all the good discussion.
I just uploaded a new version of Seqplot which addresses the limiting magnitude issue discussed. Basically, I added that field to the "Request Star" window, which now comes up automatically after an "Empty Data Set" message. It makes more sense for it to be there anyway.
The new version will download automatically next time you use Seqplot as long as you are using the Java Web Start version. If you installed Seqplot on your local computer from the .zip file, then you will need to re-install it. The zipped version can be found here: http://www.aavso.org/seqplot (under the "Download SeqPlot Now" button).
If you have any difficulties or find any problems with this release, please let me know.
Sorry - can we please have back the ability to change the limiting mag during plotting? It's so much better (especially if you're doing a star with a fair range) to begin with, say, 13.5 LM then getting fainter comps at 14.5, 15.5, etc. Just doing a chart for AT Pyx and couldn't see the fainter comps without returning to the main input screen!
Hi Michael,
I will add it back but does it really make a difference whether you go back to the main input screen and just change the limiting magnitude (since everything else will stay the same) or whether you go to the menu item? In either case, it still does the same query again so it won't make a difference in terms of speed. I always thought that having to go through the menu items to change the limiting magnitude was more cumbersome.
OK, the menu option for changing the limiting magnitude is back.
I also updated the Help documentation.
Thanks Sara. It's
Thanks Sara. It's nearly 3 am and I've just come in. A good night only spoiled by Moonrise!