Seeking 2016 AAVSO Council Candidates

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Fri, 04/29/2016 - 11:03

While the backbone of any organization is its membership and volunteers, the future of the organization typically rests with the leadership.  In our case, the leadership is entrusted to the AAVSO Council.

Every member of the AAVSO is eligible to become a candidate for the Council.  It is important for the survival of the organization that members step forward and volunteer to be a Council member to ensure our long-term survival and viability.

Each year the AAVSO Council has four at-large positions in need of filling.  This year we have one current Council member seeking re-election.  The Nominating Committee will be seeking seven additional candidates so that we have a slate of eight for the membership to vote on this fall for the four open slots.

The responsibilities of the Council include determining the mission and purposes of the organization, and monitoring and strengthening programs and services. The Council selects, supports, and evaluates the Director. The council is charged with ensuring effective planning and adequate financial resources, and with protecting the society’s assets, providing financial oversight, and ensuring legal and ethical integrity. The Council also plays an important role in enhancing the organization’s public standing.

To accomplish these tasks, the council needs to have members with a range of skill, talent, and experience.  Our goal is to identify candidates from a wide range of backgrounds who can bring their experiences to the Council and help make AAVSO an even stronger organization. These include professional astronomers, active amateur observers, entrepreneurs, business people, financial advisors, lawyers, those with experience running for political office, informal educators, outreach specialists, and people with experience raising money for nonprofit organizations.

Council terms are for two years, and the AAVSO can pay for travel expenses, with most Council meetings occurring just prior to both the Spring and Fall membership meetings.

While we do have a list of potential Council candidates under consideration there is ample room for additional names to be considered.  If any one of you would have an interest in becoming a candidate please feel free to email me ( with either your desire to be considered as a candidate or to request additional information.  The upcoming Spring Meeting is also a good place to contact your fellow members and see if any of them might be interested in becoming a candidate.  Please send any nominations to me no later than Friday, May 20, in order to receive full consideration.

Later on we will be releasing the names of all the candidates as soon as we have a full slate.

Arne Henden (chair), Lee Anne Willson, Gordon Myers

Nominating Committee

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
nominations close in one week!

Just to remind everyone, nominations for council close on Friday, May 20.  If you, or someone you know and have contacted, wish to be considered for one of the open seats in Council, please contact me at ( before the end of the day on Friday!
