S Dor

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Mon, 02/03/2020 - 12:36

Paul York took "ownership" of the BSM network S Dor monitoring observations about a year ago (AAVSONet Proposal #96), and has been analyzing and submitting measures of that field ever since.

Paul has informed us that he is no longer able to analyze the S Dor images, with the last set analyzed being 9/26/2019.

If someone is interested in taking over this monitoring effort, submit a brief proposal (much like what Paul did).  I think it is a really pretty field, and continuous observations of this famous star are welcomed by the professional community.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
S Dor - Bright Star Monitoring


Doesn't look as though anyone took up your request to take "ownership" of S Dor, as I am still listed on the BSM Section web pages as the "adopter".

That's fine, as it happens I am again in a position to process  images, using VPhot. Today, I received 3 sets of observations in my Inbox for S Dor and I will process these. Those emails prompted me to look at this Forum and see what was going on.

So, if you still need someone to process the S Dor images, I can do that.

Also, can you verify that the appropriate coefficients to use are those supplied by Ken Menzies in his posting of 05/11/2020 under "BSM Berry Transformation Coefficients".

Will these coefficients change as a result of the upgrades to BSM Berry mentioned in your AAVSOnet Status update of 16th October 2020?

Regards: Paul (YPFA)

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Hi Paul

Hi Paul

I've been receiving and analysing images of S Dor from BSM Berry for quite some time now. In fact I just uploaded a bunch today. I'm not sure why these are being sent to the two of us. Is this a double up?


Andrew Pearce (PEX)

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
S Dor - Bright Star Monitoring

Hi Andrew

See Arne's recent postings.

I am curious as to which stars you are using for comparison and check, and also what aperture you have chosen/


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
S Dor

Hi Paul and Andrew,

I'm having someone look into this double assignment.  Perhaps in the near future, BSM_South will be operational and we can assign one telescope to each of you.

Regarding transformation coefficients:  the coefficient is largely driven by the filter, which remains the same with the new camera.  However, the QE curve of the camera will impact the coefficients as well.  I think Ken is getting cluster observations to derive new coefficients, so I'd either submit non-transformed observations for now or else wait until new coefficients are available.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
S Dor - Bright Star Monitoring

Hi Arne

I'd be happy to receive the BSM_South observations, once the scope is operational, provided that this is OK with Andrew of course.

I notice that the accompanying email now says something like "please examine the images and advise us if the exposure needs to be changed". Does this hint at a procedural change insofar as volunteers such as (Andrew and I) are expected to do the Image Inspection (step D in the Pipeline diagram. If so, fine, but I don't think I ever went about this in any systematic way.

It would be really good if this inspection step was documented somewhere to ensure consistent treatment of images. Is this the case?


Vereniging Voor Sterrenkunde, Werkgroep Veranderlijke Sterren (Belgium) (VVS)
S Dor


I am observing S Dor since a couple of years from my remote site in Chile nearly continuously in two colors. I have not transformed my observations.

I need to revise my recent I filtered photometry as the real filter was an R filter instead of the I filter assumed.

I look forward to see how your photometry will compare to mine.


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
S Dor

I am wondering whether the AAVSOnet is still capturing images of S Dor and whether they are being analysed?

I notice that HMB is still submitting observations of S Dor to the AID but these may be from his own telescope?

Cheers: Paul (YPFA)

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
S Dor

Hi Paul

I'm still receiving AAVSOnet data.  Last measures received were from March 27th.  I don't know how long the observations are scheduled to last for.  The data I get comes from BSM Berry which is in my home town.



American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
S Dor

Sorry Andrew. I only looked at the first page of "Recent Observations". Your obs were a bit further back.

S Dor is clearly in good hands. Not much sense both of us looking at it :-)
