Registration is OPEN for our 2021 Annual Meeting and Spectroscopy Workshop!

Tue, 06/15/2021 - 20:13

After the last year the world has experienced, we are absolutely thrilled to be inviting you to the AAVSO's 2021 in-person Annual Meeting and Spectroscopy Workshop at The Row Hotel, located just outside Boston, MA!

We are also providing an online registration option for viewing presentations, for those who cannot attend in person. The live-streams will be managed by a professional AV service to ensure a quality experience.

Annual Meeting and Spectroscopy Workshop Registration:

Please note: each person is required to register for the Meeting and Workshop separately.

We would also like to assure you that your safety at our events is of highest priority. To protect each of you attending in-person, all attendees are required to abide by our event and COVID policies, and after registering, provide proof of full vaccination and sign a waiver of liability that will be emailed to you.

If you would like step-by-step registration instructions, please click here

  • Register for the in-person Annual Meeting here
  • Register for the online Annual Meeting here
  • Register for the Spectroscopy Workshop (in person) here
  • Book your hotel room at the The Row Hotel, with AAVSO's special group rate here

Did you know you can sponsor a teacher or student to attend for only $30 in person or $60 online? Please click here to become an education sponsor

We are excited to have you join us, and to see many of you in person!