Hello. I'm a new member of the AAVSO, but i've been submitting variable observations for a few years now. I made a proposal to AAVSOnet but i don't know if it worked. Could you let me know if it's ok? When i clicked submit, the proposal page updated and stayed the same. Apologies if more than one proposal was sent by me because i clicked submit again.
Thu, 05/11/2023 - 23:28
I've tried putting the target name in several different ways, AUID, full name abreviated name. I have the coordinates in decimalWhen I look at the proposals it doesn't show up as submitted. I am logged in and I've tried it on Firefox and Edge.
Enter the RA and DEC in sexigesimal format. That should work fine.
I suspect you entered RA in Decimal Degrees (<360....) rather than Decimal Hours (<24....) as requested?
Thank you Ken.