Are iTelescope images plate solved before they are sent to VPhot?
My images in VPhot have the WCS field marked red. VPhot Help says this means they not plate solved.
VPhot automatically solve images from iTelescope? If so, how long does this usually take? Is there a way to find out where you images are in the processing queue?
So I've determined that images from iTelescope ARE plate solved. They contain RA and Dec. However VPhot still is showing red for the WCS field, apparently because there is no WCS field in the FITS header.
As a result I can't import standard field data. How do I correct this?
Most iTelescopes are set up in VPhot as you should be able to see under Admin > Telescope Settings. What iTelescope are you using? Is it a new one that has not been entered in VPhot yet?
I used T17 the other night and got the images in my VPhot account with the WCS circle green.
Hi Ken. Thanks for the replay. The telescope is T18.
T18 is in the list of available telescopes listed in VPhot under Administration / Telescope Setup.
The images should have some WCS fits headers. If not, I would think iTelescope did something different? Also, VPhot should have plate-solved if there were none present.
Are you sure there are no such headers present? Share a few images to me at MZK.
Hi Ken, I shared you some images.
iT18 has a new camera with different parameters than the old system. The plate scale is far enough off that the vphot settings did not allow pinpoint plate solving to work.
I downloaded the images and re-uploaded after I changed the settings in vphot. The queue is busy so it will take a while to confirm that it now works as expected. If they work, I fill share back to you soon.
BTW, the images from the QHY600 are very large (122 Mb). Hopefully they work?
I see in…
Thanks Ken!!
I see in VPhot that some images now have a green WCS field so it must have worked. The others may still be in the queue.
- Chris
Hi Ken and Chris,
I had a successful run tonight and 10 images were transferred to VPHOT, 5 images each of filters V and Ic on SS Cyg. I just tried stacking and get an out of memory error (it looks like). Could this be due to the large file size from this camera? As Chris noted, it might be more practical to stack and plate solve separate from VPHOT and upload the bin2 image to VPHOT as I did last time.
PS - quick update. I was not able to open just a single file from these transfers. Out of Memory error.