OGLE-2016-NOVA-01: new eruption of recurrent nova LMC V1341 (ATel #8578)

Association Française des Observateurs d'Étoiles Variables (AFOEV)
Fri, 01/22/2016 - 13:43

"OGLE-2016-NOVA-01: the 2016 eruption of recurrent nova LMCN 1968-12a" (ATel #8578)

"Finding charts can be found here":

VSX entry for LMC V1341:

Clear skies,

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
LMC V1341

Hi All

I managed to make a visual observation of this nova tonight which is in the AID now.  You have to be very quick as it fades very fast.  It's almost 26 years (Feb 1990) that I last saw this nova in outburst.  Then I also caught it on it's rapid descent.  Great to see an old friend after so many years.  My 2016 observation was made with the same 8" reflector I used all those years ago!  This makes me feel old!


Andrew Pearce (PEX)


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)

Hello Andrew,

Thank you for your observation! Yes, it must be difficult at 13th mag, but still very precious data. I hope more observations are submitted - extragalactic novae are very important for astrophysics!


Best wishes - clear skies,




American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
"New" identification

It won't impact visual observers at this point but as it fades back to quiescence, the nova has a close (1.6" away) companion of mag. 18.3V (and also a 18.9 mag. companion 2.1" away, check the VSX and VSP notes about it).

It had been identified as the brighter star in VSX and other catalogues because the counterpart had not been solved in the previous eruptions, there were not as many astrometric sources as we have today.

In 2014, the OGLE team had already identified the nova with the fainter component of the close double and now that identification is again confirmed.
Brian Skiff called our attention to that fact so now we have it correctly identified.

The nova is also an eclipsing system with a 1.5 mag. eclipse in V and a period of 1.26432 d.
