Who ist interested to contribute with Halpha and HeI6678 spectra to the attached monitoring?
The monitoring is dealing with the question of the disk feeding process depending of photospherical matter.
Ernst Pollmann
Hello, Ernst,
What would it take? What would be the specifics? Cadence, resolution, etc.?
Please detail. Write to my personal address (Obs ID SAMA), if you prefer.
Ari Siqueira
(19°57' S 44°15' W @ 780 m)
(ASI533MM Pro, Star'EX 2,400 l/mm)
Hi Ari,
further observations should be dedicated to the question of disk feeding. In June 2005 the star did show dramatically Vmag increases linked with a dramatically disk mass / volume increasing (photospheric ejections).
This photospheric process had be seen among others impressively at the quasi-periodic variability HeI6678 emission . A period analysis of the HeI6678 time series did show a period of 205 days (non-radial pulsation?).
After ending of that process at a minimum of mass / volume (July 2010), a slow equatorial mass ejection as disk feeding did start again that continues until now.
Question is, when the star will show again such a outburst?
Against that background monthly Halpha and particularly HeI6678 (!!!) spectra (R ~ 10000-20000) would be helpfull.
Hi, Ernst,
That’s quite an interesting target, well within my current interests, the Be stars visible in the Southern Hemisphere.
I‘ll include it in my list of targets with high priority.
Please share useful literature with me, especially scientific articles, if you may: ari.m.siqueira@icloud.com.
Thank you for the opportunity.
Del Sco is at the top of my "hit" list whenever the sky opens up after these months of weather challenges!
I hope low resolution spectra, R=600 to R=1000 is sufficient to eventually see the A 6678 values.
Dave Decker
nice to hear that. So I´m very curious to see your spectra.
Hi Ari,
there is no possibility to attach some files of literature.
Please be so kind to send my directly your private email address.
... sorry Ari, I didn´t see your private address.
But the literature is on the way.