In one of the alert notices (809), the following information was provided:
"Please use the Rc magnitude of the comp star for your Ha photometry reference and report to the AAVSO database as an Ha magnitude."
How is that implemented when you use Vphot. Assuming that you have stacked images with HA listed as the filter, is the
"For magnitude estimation, use R
Report as HA"
which doesn't seem to work. The only combination that produces a report is
For magnitude estimation, use R
Report as R
This can be done in VPhot but it needs a little more effort than normal.
In order to quantify the magnitude as R, you would need to rename the filter name in vphot using the 'rename' tool. It is very simple. Then the images can be quantified with the R comp mags.
The issue is how to report the magnitude as HA. VPhot will not 'rename' R to HA in the AAVSO Report automatically. However, it is very simple to do a global replace of R with HA in a text editor, then submit the report.
Do you have any images with HA as the filter name in vphot. Have you actually got this far yet? Could you share some of the HA images to me at MZK?
Does this make sense?
What you describe, I do know how to do. What had me confused was that based on the directive it seemed like it was part of a standard process. If I use the HA filter name and then set report as and use to “R” in the report generation - it actually includes a comment saying it is an HA filter - but again I wasn’t sure if that was sufficient for submission. I asked for clarification on the alert post but haven’t heard back. Thanks for the help.
I had deleted my images from last night-the quality wasn’t good. Should have some additional ones tonight.