I'm trying to use the Nemesis.xls to handle a close companion to LM Cas. I understand that I should type in the observed magnitude and the companion magnitude. And then I understand that I should copy the JD to A18. But in B18 I should enter "Differential magnitude" - what is that? The error in the measurement?
Moreover: is there a way to handle time-resolved photometry with this? I guess that is what the many rows are for - but I type in the measured magnitude once, in H5, and that is used in all the rows... what am I missing here?
Any help with this would be much appreciated.
(was trying to attach a screenshot but did not work)
Magnus Larsson
Hi Magnus,
The differential magnitude is the difference between the magnitude of the variable and your comparison star (V-C) and H5 is the cell where you should enter the comparison star magnitude, it is not where you have to type your magnitude (that is why it is copied to all columns, since the comparison star magnitude does not change).
Your magnitudes will be shown in column C if you provide HJD and V-C in columns A and B and the comparison star magnitude in H5.
Then the magnitudes in column C will be used to create the corrected values in column H.
If you already have your magnitudes reduced and do not want to add the comparison star value and let the spreadsheet get the combined magnitudes, then just copy your magnitudes to column C (not B).
Since the sheet is protected, you will have to unprotect it in order to do that.
Go to: Review --> Unprotect sheet.
I hope it is clearer now.
Thanks, but I don't get…
Thanks, but I don't get it.
I have my target star, the nemesis star, and my comparison stars. Which is the difference, between my measured target and the given comparison? Or what?
I do not have my magnitudes reduced, not in any sense. I just have my measurements (from Lesvephotometry in this case). And I wish to correct my measurements since the nemesis star was included in the measurement of the target.