I'm wondering why, while we're still in the middle of a Pandemic, will the AAVSO's Annual Meeting be in person only?? Why not make it hybrid thus allowing Astronomers from around the world to attend AND most importantly allow the much needed extra revenue to flow into the AAVSO coffers...
What's the logic again?
Pablo Lewin LPAC
I would also like to participate remotely in the meeting.
I agree that in the Covid Era, there should be a Remote Option.
However, I disagree with Pablo the that main reason should be to raise revenue, rather than to stop the spread of Covid.
Previous online meetings were very expensive, hopefully the price will be lowered in line with the AAVSO philosophy "Variable Stars for anyone anywhere".
Talking of in-person meetings there is an interesting article "Climate Damage from Science" in Scientific American (p.78 July 2022).
Some food for thought,
John (ONJ)
Hello Pablo et al,
The meeting will be hybrid. We have always planned for it to be such. I am unsure where you heard that it would be in person only, but that is incorrect. Regarding registration it is currently being finalized and it will be up in the near future.
Bert Pablo
Staff Astronomer, AAVSO
Hi Bert...I didn't see anything online that would've indicated that the meeting was going to be hybrid and I emailed one of the presenters (Dennis Conti) and he told me that his workshop was not going to be online...
That's why I asked and now it's been answered, thank you.
Pablo Lewin
Hi Pablo,
The meeting will be hybrid, however, the workshop will be in-person only in order to provide participants the full instruction and help they need.