Are VStar and ATT supposed to be "synced" and ATT have but one entry per target star?
I ask because ATT shows 1SWASP J140747.93-394542.6 as 4 separate entries having "last observed" times of "No Observation", "6 hours ago", "8 years ago" and "7 months ago" while VStar shows it richly observed over the last 8 years?
All The Best,
Hi Peter
I just noticed that there was no reply to this message.
Is this still an issue for you?
If so:
VStar is not synchronised to any data source. It can just read from many.
Hello Peter,
VStar and the ATT are not "synced" in any way. However, they both use the VSX star database for star names, etc. and the AAVSO International Database for variable star observation data.
If you look at the four entries for 1SWASP J140747.93-394542.6 in the ATT, you will see that each one is for a different filter; B, V, R and Visual and the "last observed dates" are specific for each filter/mode. They are entered into the ATT this way because they are part of an "Alert Notice" in which the researcher specifically requested data in these bands and it will help observers focus their observations to meet the needs.
I hope this helps to answer your question.
Best wishes,
Thanks for the explanation Sara.