My Progress

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Thu, 10/10/2019 - 12:34

Saluton ĉiu!

I made my very first variable star observations last night and sbmitted them this morning. I would have submitted them last night also but my PC was undergoing a major update. I think that my tick gauges worked out very well. They are not laminated yet so I just used a pencil with them. I have redrawn them several times already and may redraw them again before I get them laminated. I am going shopping today an plan to get a 3 ring binder to use as my variable star logbook and an expanding portfolio to store my charts in. I was unable to find the kind of grease pencil that I want here so I'll have to order it.

I am very sorry that I am unable to become a member but I have very little money.

What does Visual Prevalidated, V Prevalidated, and B Prevalidated mean on the LCG?


Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC)
My Progress

Arne answered this question a few years ago. Here is his response 

"validated" means a human looked at the datapoint and considered it a good estimate rather than a discrepant one.  "prevalidated" means the submission passed a series of checks by the computer during the process, so most of the gross errors were eliminated.  The "U" "B" "V" are the passbands.

We used to validate all visual data for the AAVSO program stars, but the return on investment was small.  A few percent of incoming observations had problems, and we inserted logic checks in the software to take care of the majority of those.  We still "validate" data for interesting objects (such as the new nova), and there is a tool called Zapper that you can download to highlight discrepant observations so that the AAVSO staff can investigate them further.  However, since we are then just looking at individual datapoints rather than long stretches of light curve, we don't mark any observations as "validated" any more.


I hope this helps! Patrick McDonald


American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Help Please?

I can not add equipment in the place to do so in my account. It keeps saying there is a form error but it doesn't show me where.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)

Would you please post a screen shot of the form as you filled it out so we can try to figure out what is going wrong?

Many thanks,

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Screen Shot

I tried and tried to add binoculars and telescopes but this is want I keep getting.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Still not working

I just tried it again this morning and I'm still getting the same thing sad

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Email Help


We want to help you work through this, but it is difficult to do on the forum. You should have an email from me in your email inbox. Please respond there with further information. 



Bert Pablo
Staff Astronomer

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Getting back to my progress

Every thing is coming together nicely so far. I bought a 1 1/2 inch D-ring binder the other day that will be used just as my variable star observing log. I already have an astronomy journal that I have been using for years. My VSO Log has high quality reinforced notebook paper, dividers and some of the sections are started already. The D-ring binder is the kind that has a clear plastic covering it so that you can put a custom cover on it. So now I'm trying to think of what that could be. What could be something that I could draw or print that would make an excellent cover for my VSO Log? I am open and asking for ideas.

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Great News


I'm glad you have everything set up. However, I'd like to offer you a little advice on the forums. Once you have a question more or less answered it will be less likely that people will keep looking at the same thread. Since you are wanting to talk about visual observing, Might I suggest going here:

And starting a new thread in the Visual Observing Forum. I think it will be seen by more people that way. 


Bert Pablo
Staff Astronomer

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)


I recommend visiting the Long Period Variable Observing Section Page. LPVs are good stars for new visual obsevers. We have a lot of good info on the page and write-ups on stars of interest.