Bylaw update - correction

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Fri, 09/20/2019 - 17:02

Donn Starkey caught an error in the bylaw update.  We'll amend the new draft bylaws in the motion for approval at the Las Cruces meeting. It's a one-word change - but an important one!

Here's Donn's note -

"The only error that I am finding in the Bylaws is Article V, Section 2. 

“The President and Vice-Presidents shall be elected by those elected Directors who have been elected Directors for at least one term.”

This infers that no Director may vote for the President or Vice-President unless they have served on the board for at least one term.  My guess is that “by” should be “from”. 

---The President and Vice-Presidents shall be elected from those elected Directors who have been elected Directors for at least one term.---

Meaning that no person may hold the office of President or Vice-President unless that person has served at least one term as a Director."

Donn's correction is consistent with our current bylaws.

Thanks, Donn!
