Fri, 03/16/2018 - 09:59
Hi all,
on 10 of 10 images I made on 03/13/2018 I detected an object near M5 I couldn't see on images I made on 02/25/2018 of the same region. I checked asteroids, comets and SDSS so far and couldn't match the object. As the weather actually doesn't allow me to do some follow-up observations I would like to ask whether some can help and confirm the object is real (or not ;).
Position is RA 15h18m59.3s Dec 02d17m57.5
I've added an image with the object at the center, North to the top, East to the right.
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M5+USO.png1.28 MB
The weather is bad, no chance to image that FOV soon. Indeed, DSS images doesn’t show such an object (see the attached image).
The closest star is about 12-13 arcsec away: SDDS12 J151859.70+021746.0 with magnitudes: g'=22.558, r'=21.511, i'=21.147
No ASAS-SN detection. The lastest observation was on 10 March, with 16.6V limit:
Robert Fidrich
I don't know at what time your photo was made, but MPchecker says:
The following objects, brighter than V = 24.0, were found in the 15.0-arcminute region around R.A. = 15 18 59.30, Decl. = +02 17 57.5 (J2000.0) on 2018 03 13.46 UT:
Object designation R.A. Decl. V Offsets Motion/hr Orbit Further observations?
h m s ° ' " R.A. Decl. R.A. Decl. Comment (Elong/Decl/V at date 1)
(5317) Verolacqua 15 18 59.7 +02 18 14 16.2 0.1E 0.3N 9+ 16+ 24o None needed at this time.
So if you made these images from the US, it is very likely that it was (5317) Verolacqua.
Thank you all for your support - I really appreciate it! It looks like my unknown object is the well know (5317) Verolacqua (thx Robert)! My star chart app shows it up once I search explicitly for it :/
At least I learned a lot ;)