AAS NOVA: Succinct, approachable summaries of interesting results in AAS Journals...

American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)
Fri, 11/13/2015 - 15:14

Hi Everyone,

I want to let all AAVSOers know about a new service the AAS is providing at no charge, AAS NOVA.


This new service provides short summaries of scientific results published in the AAS journals (the Astrophysical Journal, the Astronomical Journal and Astrophysical Journal Letters) and links to the actual articles (a subscription is usually required to access...but the AAS allows any public library to obtain a free subscription to our journals, so let me know if you want your local library to have access to the AAS journals and I'll help set it up...also, AAS members can get access to the AAS journals for just $25 per year plus their membership dues).

The articles featured are selected for their likely interest to the broader astronomical community.  The editor of AAS NOVA, Susanna Kohler, is one of the founders of the popular blog site, astrobites, that provides similar kinds of summaries written by graduate students for graduate students, though many readers of astrobites are active researchers, postdocs and even members of the public (astrobites.org).

Anyway, check out AAS NOVA on a regular basis.  It should provide you a great summary of current interesting results appearing in the AAS journals.
