It seems like this has been a running request for several years now, but I raise it again here in the hope that the matter has been or is being looked into....
Can we have MNF without pages of time series please? I want to see CCD observations, but not prolongued CCD runs in MNF. I can go to the database to see those.
Many thanks,
Gary [PYG]
I completely agree with Gary. Surely it would be an easy SW change to eliminate repeated observations by the same observer. And add a magnitude filter for each star and we would be back to the old "Quick Look" capabillity.
Thanks, Richard (STR)
I also asked that the CCD time series be trunctated in the MNF, as well as for a change to make the user requests for stars easier, and was given the response given to all requests for changes: we'll get around to it when priorities and resources permit. At that time, the user interface was barely above Dark Age-level technology. I'm glad you brought the subject up again, but given a choice between VPHOT or AAVSOnet and MNF, I think most would ditch MNF, as would I. I wish you well in getting the change to MNF implemeneted, but don't hold your breath.
Presenting HQ with a list of several similarly small change requests at one time, perhaps accompanied by a suitably humble petition signed by several members, may succeed in kicking the priority level up a few notches.
Well I hope someone from HQ responds. Even to say that it's not possible, so that we can all forget about it.
I rely heavily on MNF to keep the CVNET page updated several times per day, so I wouldn't like it to go away. I'm just fed up and irritated having to scroll through all those t/s data.
Thanks both for your comments.
Hi All,
I totally agree with all that has been said. The time-series observations should be grouped so as not to take up so much room. Would we also need to include the number of observations in the group in parentheses at the end of the line so it is clear that there is more than one observation in the bundle?
Right now we are undergoing some drastic personnel changes at AAVSO HQ. Rebecca departed last month and two more technical staff will be leaving soon. Unfortunately, until we can hire replacements, the few remaining staff are stretched very thinly and we have our Annual Meeting coming up next week.
Your suggestions are very good ones and have been noted, but unfortunately we just can't get to it right away.
Please bear with us,
Hi Sara,
With all due respect - and I have considerable of it! - I must say, not to put too fine a point on it, that I have heard it all before, many, many times over the years. In fifteen year's experience I have never known HQ to operate in anything but a state of personnel upheavals, staff stretched too thinly, and a looming meeting that, of necessity, consumes resources. For the vast majority who do not attend meetings, life does not stop. It is the joint responsibility of Council and the Director to ensure that HQ has the resources to operate smoothly, and it is my strong opinion and suggestion that that job has got to be done more efficiently. This issue has stirred me from my curmudgeonly slumbers enough to think that the Governance Forum needs a new topic and - Heaven forbid! - I might start it! That said - please, someone, anyone, fix MNF.
Kind regards,
Thom, your local supportive curmudgeon
Bueller? Bueller?